Trevi   61144
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Location: Trevi      by: Giuseppe Marzulli
Area: Italy      Date: 10 August 2018
Trevi is an ancient town in Umbria, on the lower flank of Monte Serano, overlooking the wide plain of the Clitunno river system.

The "Fontana di Trevi" (Trevi Fountain) is one of the most famous and visited places in Rome (but it is always too crowded for my taste). However, apart the same name, it has no relationship with this town.


Avendo una volta suonato in questo luogo il matrimonio di un mio amico, mi considero al di fuori dai giochi...
2018/09/08 00:12 , Pedrotti Alberto
A famous fountain has the same name ;-)
I'm on the road - see you tomorrow.
2018/09/08 08:43 , Werner Schelberger
Umbria, Monte Subasio, Spoleto ?
2018/09/08 10:25 , Franz Kerscher
@Franz: almost...
It is neither Spoleto nor Monte Subasio, but we are close to both of them.
Monte Subasio is however the mountain of Assisi and not of Spoleto.
But, as I said, we are very close.
Werner understood where we are.
2018/09/08 14:19 , Giuseppe Marzulli
Maybe the date end of July 2018 is easier to guess?
2018/09/08 16:20 , Mentor Depret
The year is right, the month not....
2018/09/08 17:32 , Giuseppe Marzulli

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Giuseppe Marzulli

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