Tele view over Reersø, Jammerland & Tissø.   63879
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1 Musholm Bugt, Great Belt.
2 Juelsbjerg 40 m, Fyn, 45 km.
3 Church of Sæby, 3 km.
4 Bavnehøj 28 m, 11 km.
5 Musholm island 9 m, 20 km.
6 Skalkenbjerg 44 m, Fyn, 45 km.
7 Church of Hallenslev, 5 km.
8 Lindehøj 33 m, 12 km.
9 Aqua culture facility.
10 Ibjerg 62 m, Fyn, 60 km.
11 Sugar refinery, Gørlev, 8 km.
12 Storskov forest, 27 m, 44 km.
13 Flasken wetland, 13 km.
14 Hals 19 m, 14 km.
15 Vejlen Bugt, 14 km.
16 Church of Kerteminde, Fyn, 45 km.
17 Reersø peninsula 17 m, 17 km.
18 Fynsværket power plant, Odense, 61 km.
19 Haveskov Forest, 41 km.
20 Lindø shipyard, 53 km.
21 Romsø island 17 m, 36 km.
22 Borgbakke 30 m, 43 km.
23 Tissø 2 m.
24 Church of Bakkendrup, 6 km.
25 Digersbanke 35 m, 41 km.
26 Jammerland Bugt, Great Belt.
27 Brockdorff manor house forest, 43 km.
28 Søbjerg forest, 44 km.
29 Urhøj 55 m, 12 km.
30 Fugledegård nature center, 6 km.
31 Regnershøj 43 m (pano 9375), 11 km.
32 Fyns Hoved 25 m, 48 km.
33 Church of Store Fuglede, 6 km.
34 Off shore wind mills south of Samsø, 51 km.


Location: Kløveshøj. (100 m)      by: Jan Lindgaard Rasmussen
Area: Denmark      Date: 2011-10-14, 17:28.
The title is somewhat tricky, because Jammerland only exist in the name for the bay in Great Belt between the peninsulas of Reersø and Asnæs. It is my own invention to use on the strip of land between the belt and Tissø. The only sensible thing to asume, though, is that the sea-name must derive from a land placename.

As you can read about in pano #8648, the horizon must be about 39 km away. This gives a slight wavy horizon on Fyn island, as some places are nearer. This is maybe most for feinschmeckers. As contrary to shorter lensed-panos, the water horizon seems to fade away a little in spite of the clear sight on this day. I think it's because of the low standing sun and the scattered cloud layers over the horizon, giving slightly different light conditions over this long area.

The tele study of course offers much more detailed view, and I hope you will enjoy it. Most outstanding is of course Tissø, but also the Reersø peninsula and the uninhabited islands of Musholm and Romsø can be seen.

The location is the highest point of the lateral moraine that came from the glacier carving out the Great Belt. Unlike common belief this particular glacier came from south, and advanced north where central Samsø, Sejerø and Nekselø was left as the end moraine. From there it retreated but pushed forward again and left Røsnæs. The features on land are continued under the sea, where curved walls continues from east to west. And so it went, back and forth, leaving an almost mirrorlike landscape. Romsø and Reersø are the result of such an advance, with most of the wall being under water. Tissø owe it's existence to a big chunk of ice that broke off during this proces.

The pano was made of 41 pictures (RAW), in two rows, 300 mm, f/6,3, 1/400s, iso-200, stitched with Hugin, scaled and sharpened in IrfanView.


Hello Jan, I think it is a special feat to present such a predominantly flat landscape in this interesting and fascinating way. Congratulations! I was also much interested to read your geological essay. Thank you very much! KR Wilfried
2012/01/25 09:40 , Wilfried Malz
My holidays I most times stay in southern or western european countries. So I like to see these unknown landscapes with a lot of informations. The athmosphere in the evening light is really great.
LG Jörg
2012/01/25 19:26 , Jörg Nitz
Fantastic light and landscape.
2012/01/25 21:13 , Jörg Braukmann
really beautiful Landscape!!
2012/01/27 14:25 , Sebastian Becher
I like very much!
2012/01/27 21:09 , Giuseppe Marzulli
Motiv, Farben und die Lichtstimmung sind sehr gut geworden. Herzliche Grüße von Velten
2012/01/29 16:04 , Velten Feurich

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Jan Lindgaard Rasmussen


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