Breiðafjörður farewell   4242
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1 Þórutindur 791 m, 44 km
2 Hrútaborg 861 m, 49 km
3 Tröllakirkja 932 m, 48 km
4 Rauðamelsfjall 956 m, 32 km
5 Drápuhlíðarfjall 527 m, 27 km
6 Klakkeyjar, 9 km
7 Stykkishólmur, 18 km
8 Bjarnarhafnarfjall 574 m, 32 km
9 Bildsey, 13 km
10 Klakkur 380 m, 41 km
11 Vaðstakksey, 18 km
12 Eyrarfjall 352 m, 39 km
13 Fagurey, 13 km
14 Stöð 238 m, 49 km
15 Búlandshöfði 325 m, 55 km
16 Elliðaey, 16 km
17 Stagley, 16 km
18 Napi 703 m, 68 km
19 Heimaey, 19 km
20 Hvanney, 18 km
21 Múlahyrni, 58 km
22 Lækjarheiði, 48 km
23 Breiðafell 732 m, 57 km
24 Reiphólsfjöll 881 m, 53 km


Location: Dagverðarnes (50 m)      by: Jan Lindgaard Rasmussen
Area: Iceland      Date: 2022-07-09, 12:57
My, so far, last impression from Iceland. It has now been 5 months of constant panos from Iceland, in addition to more sporadic presentations before that.'

This pano I hoped would contain Snæfellsnes as the ultimate prize, but unfortunately, it was obscured in clouds. I came back later in the day, but the visibility became even worse. Still, it was a nice place with great potential.

Pano made from 17 pics (RAW), 50 mm, iso-250, 1/400 sec, f/8, developed in DPP (cloudy, neutral, moderate sharpness), stitched in PTGui pro, scaling and sharpening in Irfanview.


Not sure how it is with you, but every time I'd been to a scenic place, probably you more than I, with nice views, I'm getting sometimes even more excited in the anticipation of developing and enjoying the seen in a retrospective way at home.
2023/02/27 20:12 , Hans-Jürgen Bayer
I very much look forward to go through the pictures and making the panos. One is reliving it severel times that way. LG Jan.
2023/02/27 21:08 , Jan Lindgaard Rasmussen
Danke, das du uns auf diese wunderbare Reise mitgenommen hast.

2023/02/28 10:46 , Dieter Leimkötter
Great end of an even greater series. I like the fractal coastline. Cheers, Martin
2023/03/01 20:30 , Martin Kraus

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Jan Lindgaard Rasmussen


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