This is not the Fiorita of Castelluccio...   121316
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Aufnahmestandort: Castelluccio di Norcia (Pian Perduto)      Fotografiert von: Giuseppe Marzulli
Gebiet: Italy      Datum: 27 July 2018
It is not easy for me to explain this pano.

The Fiorita (Flowering) of Castelluccio di Norcia is, in my opinion, one of the most beautiful Italian naturalistic spectacles, but I have never seen it (although sooner or later I will want to see it).

It is not easy to see the flowering of Castelluccio if you do not live nearby, because it is not possible to know precisely the period of the flower. Sometimes the flowering takes place in mid-June, sometimes at the end of June, sometimes at the beginning of July. It is therefore not possible to plan the trip.

I went there in late July and in late July it is impossible to see the Fiorita and I knew it. But it was impossible for me to go earlier.

I thought I couldn't find any Fiorita flower. But, with a little wonder, I still saw some poppies in bloom and above all many cornflowers (Cyanus segetum).

The true Fiorita has many other flowers, especially the yellow of the wild rapeseed and this pano does not represent it.

I hope I have convinced you to see Fiorita di Castelluccio di Norcia ;-)

To Wolfgang, on the other hand, I want to say that the "Piani di Castelluccio" are three:
Piano Grande
Piano Piccolo
Pian Perduto (Lost Plain).
Here we are at Pian Perduto, but I realize that it is a pure formalism ;-)

Mentor once gave me this link in Dutch


Eine schöne Blumenwiese, einfach wunderschön. Da kann man wirklich stundenlang dasitzen und man vergißt, wo man ist. Das Panorama zu beschriften wäre eigentlich dann vom Anblick her eine Katastrophe, daher "Laßt die Blumen leben"
Ein schöes Valentinstagsgeschenk für jeden!
13.02.2020 23:07 , Christoph Rhein
Thank you very much for your intervention which made me happy.
For those who want to try to guess, I want to clarify that it is not just any area, but it is a well-defined place.
13.02.2020 23:16 , Giuseppe Marzulli
Pxxxx Gxxxxx di Cxxxxxxxxxxo ...?
Saluti Wolfgang
13.02.2020 23:24 , Wolfgang Bremer
Wolfgang: In Italian, one would say that yours is "una risposta molto sibillina"...
13.02.2020 23:38 , Pedrotti Alberto
A really beautifully composed riddle, dear Giuseppe - Werner will certainly solve it... I'm sure he knows the street on the right side in the back ;-)) !!
14.02.2020 11:58 , Hans-Jörg Bäuerle
Sagt man in Italien, daß das eine Fiorita sei?
14.02.2020 19:34 , Heinz Höra
@Wolfgang: bravo, but wanting to be very picky, the answer is not precise. There are in the area three Pxxxx di Cxxxxxxxxxxx ;-)
@Alberto: in fact Wolfgang's answer is sibylline ;-)
@Hans-Jörg: Werner did not participate, but I think exactly like you ;-)
@Heinz: bravo, it can certainly be said that in Italian this is a "fiorita".
But this is a "fiorita", not the "Fiorita". Then I will explain better.
14.02.2020 20:17 , Giuseppe Marzulli
A tricky and fine riddle, but I'm too late :-(
By the way, I don't know if I can live up to such expectations... :-)

Gratulation Wolfgang!
16.02.2020 13:25 , Werner Schelberger
Danke, Giuseppe, für die nun gegebenen Erklärungen.
Ich hatte aufgrund der sibyllinischen Worte von Alberto diese Seite gefunden:
16.02.2020 14:19 , Heinz Höra
Grazie per soluzione e descrizione. 
In addition I have to tell, that I´ve never been in Castelluccio, too. Indeed I only heard about it during a short stay in Norcia. But I had the luck to see quite comparable sites in a quite comparable state: Going down the street from Campo Imperatore to Santo Stefano di Sessanio a landscape has to be passed, which is simply mesmerizing. An area with an enormous amount of small, smaller and smallest hills, and wherever between them a layer of soil could accumulate, it was covered with flowering plants over plants, extraordinary in density and colours. Remembering this, I came out of the bushes with my tiny comment, very short, not verified at all and, Alberto said it, sibillinic, what contains a delicious double-sense word game with Monti Sibillini. I didn´t know of the three Piani di Castelluccio till now, and if I would have, my decision would have been fallen to Piano Piccolo, because it seems to me to be the cosiest one.

Back then in Italy I heard the word "fioritura", and now I´m a bit confused about the difference between "fiorita" and "fioritura". The following is not more than a guess: "fiorita" could be the past form of fiorire / to blossom. In a sentence: Il fiore ha fiorita. / The flower has blossomed. I think, it rather means a single plant. "fioritura" could be a substantive with the meaning a period of blossoming, but as well the blossoming of a lot of plants in an area. In a sentence: Nella primavera é fioritura di ciliegi. / In the springtime is cherry blossom. Very picky, I know; in Germany we say for things like this "Kümmelspalterei", which means "to cleave caraway seeds"...
Saluti Wolfgang
16.02.2020 22:29 , Wolfgang Bremer
Yours is an excellent observation. And it is not easy to answer.
In Italian the most correct term for flowering is "Fioritura" and many say the "Fioritura di Castelluccio".
"Fiorita" in Italian is above all the past participle of "to blossom", but it also indicates a complex of leaves and flowers scattered on the ground like a carpet during processions.
In Italian it would be more correct to say "Fioritura di Castelluccio", but in the area they say "Fiorita" and I prefer to call it "Fiorita".
16.02.2020 23:37 , Giuseppe Marzulli
Molte grazie per le spiegazioni. 
Sono curioso di sapere, se ci vorranno di nuovo venti anni, prima che incontro la parola "fioritura" la prossima volta...
Saluti Wolfgang
18.02.2020 00:01 , Wolfgang Bremer

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Giuseppe Marzulli

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