Mattina a Mattinata   81447
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Location: Mattinata (50 m)      by: Christoph Seger
Area: Italy      Date: 2018-08-31
Sollen riddle (by Giuseppe who else ...). Morning view over Mattinata, a lovely little town and a good entry point to the Gargano.

D800, Zeiss Milvus 21 mm
HF RAWs um 05:57 MEZ


I was just at that point (on the road below).
The title in Italian could be a word game "Mattina a Mattinata".
If you have been there and you have not visited the Abbey of Santa Maria di Pulsano (which few know) you made a big mistake ;-)
Very nice pano.
2018/09/02 09:48 , Giuseppe Marzulli
Dear Giuseppe

I do take up your title idea. Big smile !!

Regarding Santa Maria di Pulsano. I just looked it up and will try to go there. I admire the detailed knowledge you have. I do know you are not in tourism so I even more impressed.

Herzlichst Christoph
2018/09/02 13:46 , Christoph Seger
I would classify this as a "nomen omen" panorama.
Good, that somebody does not stick to the dominating fashion of the moment - for which every rätselhafter village must lie in Abruzzo.
However... just to point out that the fashion of the moment dominates and overcomes us, let me point out that, in the panorama
in which the morning is still far, and which was shot from a mountain visible in my last Abruzzo panorama, no less than two villages of the Gargano of your morning panorama are clearly visible...
2018/09/02 13:59 , Pedrotti Alberto
Dear Christoph, I am not in tourism, but my desire, when I retire, is to open a small "agriturismo", probably in Tuscany. I'm looking for.
If a place like the Pulsano Abbey was in France, everyone would know it. Unfortunately, it is in a remote location in Puglia and nobody knows it.
I will show in the next pano
2018/09/02 14:11 , Giuseppe Marzulli
An dem Rätsel hätte ich auch noch Spaß gehabt. Aber auch so wieder was gelernt. Und am Bild kann man ja dauerhaft Spaß haben. VG Martin
2018/09/02 15:13 , Martin Kraus
Das ist ja eine brandaktuelle Morgenstimmung ... wunderschön !!!

Herzliche Grüße
2018/09/03 08:51 , Hans-Jörg Bäuerle
Ich kann nicht folgen ob Deiner zahlreichen Standorte!
Und immer vom Allerbesten!
2018/09/03 17:29 , Walter Schmidt
Was für eine feine Stimmung!
2018/09/11 20:00 , Hans Diter

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Christoph Seger

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