Danish summernights XIV: Bramsnæs Vig 2.0   71451
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1 Kithøj 49 m, 12 km
2 Bramsnæs peninsula, 1 km
3 Orø island, 10 km


Aufnahmestandort: Lille Langtved (40 m)      Fotografiert von: Jan Lindgaard Rasmussen
Gebiet: Denmark      Datum: 2017-06-18, 04:15
This short pano will close my summernightseries. The motif is a repetition of DSN-V. On this date and location the sunrise was at 04:28, so here it is 13m before sunrise. At this time the sun was 2 degrees under the horison. As expected for civil twilight, there is no problem of orientation or any other activities.

The chronology of the series was as follows:

17-18/6: II - III - VI - VII - IX - XII - XIII - XIV
18-19/6: V - VIII - XI
19-20/6: I - IV
24-25/6: X

So how can one describe danish midsummernights? Tecnically, in central Denmark, the sun is below the horizon for appr. 6,5 hours. 2h is spent in civil twilight, and 4,5h is spent in nautical twilight. From a more intuitive standpoint, the night for most danes is felt like a short night, but a night nonetheless. This is however accentuated by the in generel increasing lightpollution and urbanisation. Fishermen, boaters, and others doing outdoor activities, are however well aware of the bright nightsky, and even older people can be surprised after experiencing a night. So, in short (as expected) a danish midsummernight is intermediate of a dark southern, and a broad daylight-like polar night. A hike through the woods will most likely not impress you, but a stroll along a beach is enchanting - the sea multiplies the few photons available, and underlines why it is called nautical twilight. Should anyone of you be in Denmark during midsummer, try it out and see for youself, but best done in a northern facing location by the sea.

The pano was made from 7 pics (RAW), tripod, Canon 6D, 70-200mm@70mm, iso-500, 1/160 sec, f/4, developed in DPP (cloudy, neutral, moderate sharpness, periphal illumination), stitched in PTGui pro, downscaling and sharpening in Irfanview.


A great picture and thank you very much for explaining so nicely the rational behind the terms civil and nautical twilight.
19.08.2018 19:25 , Christoph Seger
Thank you. There is a more elaborate description on DSN-I, #23659. LG Jan.
19.08.2018 21:04 , Jan Lindgaard Rasmussen
Very nice pano Jan. But here in Holland at midsummer the night isn't complete dark too. By the way, is this your home in the middle?
19.08.2018 21:44 , Mentor Depret
Many thanks once again, Jan! 
Both for the photos and for explanation. They make me want to go back to the North again...
Ciao, Alvise
21.08.2018 10:34 , Alvise Bonaldo
Thanks for this great series Jan. It forced me to climb local hills during midsummer again, as I did it in my youth.
25.08.2018 19:39 , Steffen Minack
Thank you for this fascinating summernight series, dear Jan - it was a great pleasure !!

Cheers, Hans-Jörg
27.08.2018 14:35 , Hans-Jörg Bäuerle
Thanks to everybody who followed this series. I am very happy for the interest it perhaps sparked. And Mentor, no, I live further west on Sjælland. The houses here, btw, would be in a heavier economic class as to what I want to spend :-)
12.09.2018 21:32 , Jan Lindgaard Rasmussen

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Jan Lindgaard Rasmussen


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