Danish summernights V: Bramsnæs Vig   82004
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1 Kithøj 49 m, 12 km
2 Kongsøre Skov, 18 km
3 Bramsnæs Vig
4 Bramsnæs peninsula, 1,3 km
5 Orø island, 10 km


Aufnahmestandort: Lille Langtved (40 m)      Fotografiert von: Jan Lindgaard Rasmussen
Gebiet: Denmark      Datum: 2017-06-18, 23:49
Also a filler in the little series, that isn't so little afterall...:-) It was made the day before DSNIV under nearly identical conditions; the sunset on the day and location was 22:00, and here, 1h 49m after sunset, the sun was 9 degrees under the horizon. Again, accordingly with nautical twilight, the horizon shows well, but only strong contrast on the ground can be made out. Worth noting is, that the ground just around you can appear more detailed, but on a distance it smudges.

This is a little distinct viewpoint, well known to cardrivers here. For some non-appearent reason, it has never been made possible to fully appreciate the view; there are no obvious parking places, and trees grow over from time to time. It could be argued that it is just a faint version of the viewpoint from DSNI, but it is so extremely idyllic, with the micro cosmos of the petite peninsula and the boats parked around it, that it simply HAS to be here...

Pano made from 5 pics (RAW), Canon 6D, 70-200mm@70mm, tripod, f/4, 1 sec, iso-800, developed in DPP (cloudy, neutral, periphal illumination, moderate sharpness), stitched in PTGui pro, downscaling and sharpening in Irfanview.


It realy show the difference between our latitudes. I admire the clean sky once again. What I do not like in landscape panos are fuzzy details in the foreground.
But since it's on the left edge it's not a problem for me, I just don't scroll there.
23.06.2018 19:10 , Steffen Minack
Very unusual sight from Denmark, if a riddle, I wouldn't have known.
24.06.2018 23:03 , Mentor Depret
Mir ist die Landschaft viel zu dunkel, Jan. Wenn man sie aufhellt und dabei den Himmel so läßt, dann leuchten auch die Wasserflächen viel intensiver und dann würde das Ganze gefallen - bis auf links die unscharfen Blätter.
25.06.2018 18:52 , Heinz Höra
I will start by stressing my "manifesto" from DSN I: that I will exclusively try to transport the "reallife" experience of the summernight, regardless of dogmas. That is still "the governing mechanism" here.

I will however give Heinz right, that the foreground was perhaps a bit too dark. I have brightened a little bit, without brightening the sky. I still feel this is a realistic presentation.
25.06.2018 20:58 , Jan Lindgaard Rasmussen
So ist es besser, Jan. Geschickt gemacht, etwas abgeschnitten und trotzdem die Breite beibehalten.
Aber der Himmel scheint mir jetzt auch etwas heller zu sein.
27.06.2018 18:09 , Heinz Höra
@Heinz: I tried not to bright up the sky, but cannot exclude completely that it got a little brighter. But it didn't seem to bright up during tiefen-erhellung. I have tried to explain overall differences in brightness from the same time of day in the description to DSN VIII. LG Jan.
04.07.2018 19:26 , Jan Lindgaard Rasmussen
@Jan, wenn Du bei der Aufhellung eine Maske über den Himmel setzt, dann wird er nicht heller. Dann kannst du auch noch etwas mehr aufhellen. Das hatte ich auprobiert mit Deinem Panoramabild.
04.07.2018 19:44 , Heinz Höra
I most like the boats next to the pink light on the water.
LG Jörg
15.07.2018 12:37 , Jörg Nitz

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Jan Lindgaard Rasmussen


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