Har Ki Pauri - Bathing with the Goddess   13972
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1 Main temple area
2 people taking holy dip
3 British clocktower
4 Foothills of the Himalaya
5 the main part of the Ganga


Location: Har Ki Pauri Ghats in Haridware (316 m)      by: Wolfgang Schmähling
Area: India      Date: 10.7.2008
In Haridware, a little down the Ganga from Rishikesh, the main temples are on a little side arm of the holy river Ganga. Every night there is a big fire celebration and as you can see people are gathering in the afternoon already. Because the current is not as wild as in the main stream, people are taking the holy dip here. As many Hindus can't swim and go in fully dressed, it is good to have protective chains here.
Haridware is probably the only strictly vegetarian and non-alcoholic city in the whole world and the atmosphere is in spite of the huge masses of pilgrims quite relaxed and friendly.


Danke Werner für diesen lendigen Einblick in die Ferne. Das Mädel links mit der rassel, könnte zwar mehr zu sehen sein, ist aber ein origineller Start. LG Christian
2009/01/20 20:50 , Christian Hönig

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Wolfgang Schmähling


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