Balmhorn-Altels seen from Holland   62371
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1 Dom 4545 m, 651 km
2 Balmhorn 3699 m, 613 km
3 Altels 3629 m, 613 km


Location: Terneuzen, Waterfront (70 m)      by: Mentor Depret
Area: Netherlands      Date: 2018 02 28 6:20 PM wt
Last week during the cold snap, not only the sun had a strange reddish color, also the Balmhorn and Altels could clearly be seen in front of it.

Canon Eos M6 with EF-M 18-150 mm, 3 pics Raw, 150 mm (240 mm KB), iso 100, f 7.1, 1/100 s, PTGuiPro, 11688x3819 179.9 MB TIFF, crop 40 %, downsized 2143x500 588 KB JPEG.


This is 1000 km of distance, isn't it? This must be a gravitation lense, caused by the sun... ;-)
2018/03/05 11:52 , Matthias Knapp
I assume that it isn't a joke, because it was probably the 28th of February and not the 1st of April :-) ...

It seems incredible and I think the phenomenon needs a scientific explanation ;-), Mentor - but here is the model of U. Deuschle at an altitude of 15.000m:

Cheers, Hans-Jörg
2018/03/05 12:30 , Hans-Jörg Bäuerle
Ok, it's only 615 km, 
nevertheless a scientific sensation! Thanks, Hans-Jörg and Mentor!
2018/03/06 09:34 , Matthias Knapp
Yeah, something for the record list ;-)
2018/03/06 10:14 , Jens Vischer
Nur Sonnenuntergang im Süden, das haut leider auch nicht hin.
2018/03/06 11:08 , Heinz Höra
thx for the comments gentlemen! Of cours I had to gamble with this Balmhorn-Altels shaped cloud which pretty much reflects the Terneuzen view from 15000 m height as shown by the UDeuschle simulation, thx Hans-Jörg for verifying this! I didn't check UDeuschle. I didn't even know the program works from such a height which once again proves its qualities. I simply compared with an Alps view from the Vosges from Jörg Nitz, thinking that the silhouette would remain about the same from Holland... although from 610 km, the mountain would be much, much smaller compared to the sun.
2018/03/07 10:44 , Mentor Depret

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