Sera in Abruzzo   72045
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1 Velino, 2487
2 Terminillo, 2216, 99 km
3 Tocco da Casauria
4 Corno Grande, 2914
5 Monte Prena
6 Paginone del Camicia
7 Monte Camicia
8 Vettore, 2478
9 Monte dei Fiori, 1814
10 Montagna di Campli, 1720
11 Monte dell'Ascensione, 1103, 98 km
12 Città Sant'Angelo
13 Strada da Roccamorice
14 Hotel Mamma Rosa


Location: Blockhaus (2117 m)      by: Pedrotti Alberto
Area: Italy      Date: 28-12-2015
This comes one hour before "Luci d'Abruzzo", from nearly the same location, namely, few metres below the Blockhaus summit.


Bellissimo panorama e bellissima zona. Le montagne abruzzesi sono un pò sottovalutate dal punto di vista turistico ed escursionistico.
2017/10/30 19:07 , Giuseppe Marzulli
Famous cycling mountain, that really could be situated a bit nearer...
Would love to see it myself once.
2017/10/30 21:48 , Arne Rönsch
It is nice but some peak names would be helpful.
2017/10/30 22:43 , Mentor Depret
Arne: if I am not wrong, the Giro stage of 14-05-2017 climbed the Blockhaus from the side of Roccamorice. This is reported to be a narrow and steep road, whose final stretch is clearly visible, and now also marked, in the panorama. In the larger version you can follow it, for a certain stretch, even inside the wood, thanks to the bare trees. It joins the main road, the glorious "strada statale" SS614 coming from Passo Lanciano, in the vicinity of the huge hotel Mamma Rosa. I climbed and descended from that side since it is the only one open in winter.
Note that nowadays the SS614 is maintained only up to the Rifugio Pomilio. Currently I do not remember whether the stage ended at the Pomilio or, more probably, lower down at the Mamma Rosa junction, where there is much more space.
The stretch Mamma Rosa - Pomilio offers an incredibly wide view. Find it in where you note also the Sibillini in the background. I have also a panorama from there.
LG, Alberto.
2017/10/30 23:25 , Pedrotti Alberto
I have watched that stage, Alberto - a spectacular one because of the crahes some 25 km before the finsih.
Nevertheless, those mountains would be most inviting even without crahes or other circumstances of professional sports.
2017/10/31 00:11 , Arne Rönsch
Against the motorbike, I remember!
Consider also climbing the Blockaus by foot along the ridge starting right at the last houses of Pennapiedimonte, near the rock formation which is considered to be the statue of Maia - whence the name Maiella:
I have lots of ideas for my next Maiella visit, but that ridge, together with the direct ascent to Monte Amaro from the abbey of N.19091 (450m - 2795m) lies indeed in pole position.
As Giuseppe remarks, these are fairly underrated mountains. Perhaps they lack the advertisement engine that we have in some part of the Alps...
In a pizzeria in Pretoro I heard the conversation of some young people near to me. The ultimate sign of distinction was, for them, to have a winter vacation booked in Trentino.
And I, coming from Trentino, was there in Abruzzo... The night before Sylvester, at the only restaurant which happened to be open in Fara San Martino, I had to drink till 3 am since the locals were secretly implementing a cascade of phone calls, summoning the whole village to see the cyclist who had "descended" from the Alps.
No Alpirsbacher, indeed, but at that late hour the table was invaded by empty bottles of beer, like I had happened to see previously only in the Czech Republic...
You also understand why I left so much material for the next tours.
2017/10/31 00:39 , Pedrotti Alberto
Great story, Alberto! I would love to add one about drinking beer in Slovakia, but that would go to far away from your splendid panoramic.
2017/10/31 09:56 , Arne Rönsch

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Pedrotti Alberto

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