Arrival at Taglang La   51867
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Location: Taglang La (5340 m)      by: Pedrotti Alberto
Area: India      Date: 13-10-2015
These are the last metres before the highest pass on the Manali-Leh highway.
Here the asphalt is new, and one also sees groups of seasonal road workers resting at lunch time on the left side.


Marvelous mountain landscape and atmosphere - you have captured the essence of your arriving at the immense height of Taglang La wonderfully, dear Alberto!

Cheers, Hans-Jörg
2017/10/14 15:33 , Hans-Jörg Bäuerle
I like this pano because it is not only good but it also shows a piece of the world totally unknown to me and many I guess.
2017/10/15 12:26 , Mentor Depret
From the point of view of showing, I think that this work is indeed not comparable with the 360° from the above summit.
The present one simply aims to place you midway between the road workers at the left end and the crowd of passing tourists at the right end, that is, at the pass.
Consider how the pass pass takes on a totally different meaning for the two... namely, tourist vans simply stop for a five minutes, in order to take ritual photos with the chortens, and then push on, towards the next pass and the next stop of five minutes.

Concerning unknown corners of the world: now I am planning a systematic restoration of all those panoramas that I had withdrawn due to overt contempt. Since, more than ever, now the feedback seems to be driven by everything else than the value of a work and the interest of its subject, I find much more valuable a voice like yours appreciating a discovery than a choir rejoicing because they recognize an already known place.
This idea came to me yesterday while browsing the queue of Ladakh panoramas, and finding a view of the Baralacha La, which is the crossing of the main Himalaya range, which at the time went completely unobserved. So, the restoration will start from there!

Cheers, Alberto.
2017/10/15 13:09 , Pedrotti Alberto
This one leaves me with mixed emotions, I remember how amazed I was at the engineering accompishment of the Shuwaimiyah-Hasik road (#17439), and then how shocking the sight of the accommodation of the seasonal road workers near Hasik was - can't imagine conditions were better here. Cheers, Martin
2017/10/15 21:11 , Martin Kraus
gewaltige Höhe für eine Straße - noch dazu in erstaunlich gutem Zustand. LG Alexander
2017/10/15 21:35 , Alexander Von Mackensen

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Pedrotti Alberto

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