Above Eiðisvatn   132401
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1 Sneis 747 m, 13 km
2 Egilsfjall 618 m, 16 km
3 Malinstindur (VÁGAR) 683 m, 23 km
4 Miðálfelli 596 m, 12 km
5 Loysingarfjall 639 m, 13 km
6 Múlin 663 m, 11 km
7 Stíganir 710 m, 12 km
8 Sandfelli 537 m, 7 km
10 Ørvisfelli 783 m, 10 km
11 Langafjall 599 m, 6 km
12 Sundini
13 Borgin 642 m, 10 km
14 Kopsenni 789 m, 11 km
15 Gívrufelli 701 m, 7 km
16 Haldarsvik
17 Vikartindur 703 m, 7 km
18 Melin 764 m, 7 km
19 Eiðisvatn
20 Heyggurin Míklí 692 m, 7 km
21 Snubburnar 623 m, 10 km
22 Eiðiskollur 338 m, 5 km


Location: Eiðisskarð (320 m)      by: Jan Lindgaard Rasmussen
Area: Faroe Islands      Date: 2015-07-31, 9:04
The weather of the previous clear night gave hopes for some early far views. It was to some degree granted. I took the earliest ferry from Nólsoy, at 0720 am, and laid all my eggs in one basket: I would go for Slættaratindur, at 882 m the highest point on the Faroes. I almost made it, but the clouds was beginning to draw up around the Faroes, and the summit had a fan of fog around it.

I made a few pre-emptive panos going up the road, since I didn't know quite how much tiefblick I would have on my ascent. Here I like the fjells behind the Eiðisvatn, which later disappeared from the view.

Pano made from 19 HF pics (RAW), 50 mm, iso-100, f/8, 1/320 sec, developed in DPP (daylight, neutral, ALO off, moderate sharpness), stitched in PTGui pro, minor contrast adjustment, downscaling and sharpening in Irfanview.


Nice sunny view - I guess it's a rare moment. KR Arno
2016/07/16 13:15 , Arno Bruckardt
Nice view and I think even Shaun felt it was a special moment ;-)
2016/07/16 14:00 , Werner Schelberger
Sehr schön gezeigt! Herzliche Grüße Velten
2016/07/16 16:44 , Velten Feurich
Ein wohl besonderer und fast außergewöhnlicher Moment, die Faroer in diesem Licht zu sehen ... wunderbar!!!

Herzliche Grüße
2016/07/17 08:30 , Hans-Jörg Bäuerle
... but where is Timmy ?
Another beautiful work out of your Faroe sequel.
2016/07/17 10:18 , Hans-Jürgen Bayer
At last some sun. I always enjoy the Google Maps links here - in combination with the panorama one can appreciate the setting. Cheers, Martin
2016/07/17 13:09 , Martin Kraus
A very nice light. For good-weather-panoramas the Faroe Islands are a difficult location.
2016/07/17 19:41 , Jörg Braukmann
@HJB1 and WS: Timmy has strayed a bit, and can be seen at around 296 degrees :-)

Regarding the weather, this was by far the best we had, at noon it was back to normal with low hanging clouds.
2016/07/17 21:49 , Jan Lindgaard Rasmussen
Prima, daß Du auch mal etwas Sonne hattest!
2016/07/18 14:58 , Friedemann Dittrich
The scenery is somewhat reminiscent of the western Regions of Ireland, where I spent some weeks in 1973. KR Wilfried
2016/07/18 17:52 , Wilfried Malz
Because of the sun it will be your best of Faroer.

I think Heinz chose the wrong button...
LG Jörg
2016/07/18 20:20 , Jörg Nitz
@Heinz, I have made a reload, if you want to correct your vote. LG Jan.
2016/07/24 12:44 , Jan Lindgaard Rasmussen
Excuse me 
Jan, I had not even noticed that that had made.
2016/07/24 14:54 , Heinz Höra

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Jan Lindgaard Rasmussen


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