Campocatino   22965
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1 Giovo, 1990
2 Rondinaio, 1964
3 Maestà del Tribbio, 1150
4 Sumbra, 1764
5 Fiocca, 1711
6 San Viviano
7 Campocatino
8 Roccandagia, 1717
9 Pisanino, 1947


Location: Campocatino (1005 m)      by: Pedrotti Alberto
Area: Italy      Date: 26-03-2016
An old shepherd settlement of the Alpi Apuane, dominated by the Roccandagia, which is actually only a subsidiary summit of the mighty Tambura, but a very imposing one when seen from this side.
From here you may want to walk for an hour to reach the old hermitage of San Viviano, perched on a vertical rock. As an introduction to this unique site, a little conventional chapel, named in turn after San Viviano, has been built also in the middle of the big flat meadow described in the name: Campo-Catino, "field-basin", a perfect example of glacial modelling perhaps unexpected in this angle of world.

12 HF, Canon G1X, 28 mm, f/5.6, 1/200 sec.


Charming place...and still unusual to see Italian motives from you. Cheers, Martin
2016/04/18 19:52 , Martin Kraus
I love this ongoing abwechslung between Patagonia, India and more familiar sceneries
2016/04/18 22:12 , Christoph Seger

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Pedrotti Alberto

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