Pasqua sul Sumbra   93688
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1 Alpicella delle Radici, 1682
2 Passo delle Radici, 1524
3 San Pellegrino in Alpe, 1529
4 Maestà della Formica, 1047
5 CIMONE, 2165
7 Giovo, 1990
8 Rondinaio, 1964
9 Valle della Tùrrite Secca
10 Monte Pigliònico
11 Falterona, 1654, 116 km
12 Coste del Giovo
13 Valle della Lima
14 Colle di Favilla
15 Pratomagno, 1592, 120 km
16 Pania Secca, 1709
17 Puntone di Mezzo al Prato, 1679
18 Uomo Morto
19 Cenge dei Partigiani
20 Pizzo delle Saette, 1720
21 Mura del Turco
23 Foce di Mosceta, 1186
24 Puntato, 974
25 Còrchia, 1678
26 Freddone, 1479
27 Còrchia W, 1632
28 Canale Pirosetto
29 Torrioni di Passo Croce
30 Passo Croce, 1150
32 (Cipollaio)
33 Picco di Falcovaia, 1283
34 Cave delle Cervaiole, 1136
35 Monte delle Tavole, 1463
36 Passo del Vaso Tondo, 1381
37 Cave Fondone
38 Altíssimo, 1589
39 Passo degli Uncini, 1400
40 Bosco del Fatonero
41 Fiocca, 1711
42 Tunnel per Cava Bagnoli
43 Cave Ronchieri
44 Cresta di Sella
45 Monte Sella, 1736
46 Sagro, 1749
47 Ferrata del Sella
48 Alto di Sella, 1725
49 Arnétola
50 Focetta dell"Acqua Fredda, 1599
51 (Passo delle Pecore, 1600)
52 Grondílice, 1808
53 Monte Focoletta, 1678
54 Cresta Garnerone
55 Passo della Tambura
56 Contrario, 1789
58 Cima Nord, 1895
59 Via Vandelli
60 TAMBURA, 1890
61 PISANINO, 1947
62 Roccandagia, 1717
63 Canale della Roccandagia
64 Monte Sillara, 1861
65 San Viano
66 Salto del Cane
67 Passo del Lagastrello, 1200
68 Campocatino, 990
69 Foce del Giovo
70 Gorfigliano
71 Alpe di Succiso, 2017
72 (Passo del Cerreto, 1261)
73 Monte Casarola, 1979
74 Vagli di Sopra
75 Monte La Nuda, 1893
76 Cima Belfiore, 1810
77 Casa Tontorone, 1014
78 Monte Cavalbianco, 1853
79 Passo di Pradarena, 1579
80 Monte Asinara, 1731
81 Parco dell'Orecchiella
82 Sant'Agostino
83 Monte Sillano, 1876
84 Vagli di Sotto
85 Lago di Vagli, 547
86 Ponte tibetano
87 CUSNA, 2120
88 Diga
89 La Piella, 2078
90 Valle dell'Edron
91 Vergaia
92 Puglianella
93 Prado, 2054
94 Pania di Corfino, 1602
95 Monte Vecchio. 1983
96 Corfino
97 Sasso Rosso
98 Le Fòrbici, 1817
99 Caréggine, 880
100 Passo delle Fòrbici
101 Giovarello, 1760


Location: Monte Sumbra (1764 m)      by: Pedrotti Alberto
Area: Italy      Date: 27-03-2016
For me this 360° is full of memories, more than any other, since here I have cycled nearly all the main visible passes (up to the 11 times of Passo Radici) and climbed all the major visible summits (from the single time of Pisanino, Cusna and Cimone up to the 8 times of Pania della Croce).
I hope that it will be instructive also for the average Betrachter, since if shows a great deal of the Alpi Apuane: mountains which are wonderful in any season, but in winter become more than that.
This time the changing weather and the clouds that were quickly gathering over the mare Tirreno and the Versilia did not give me the chance to spot Corsica with its big summits Cinto and Padru, or even the Maritime Alps, as had happened several other times.

22 HF, Canon G1X, 64 mm equiv, f/5.6, 1/1000 sec
GPS track:


Bellissima. Prima o poi mi organizzerò per visitare le Apuane come si deve.
2016/03/31 20:29 , Giuseppe Marzulli
Intanto, se vuoi familiarizzare quanto meno con i nomi, che vi sono interessantissimi, puoi leggerti questa mia antica fantasticheria toponomastica:
2016/03/31 21:00 , Pedrotti Alberto
Luckily the top of the cross is not going straight up in the air, otherwise it would not have fit in the pano ;-)
2016/03/31 21:26 , Jens Vischer
Extremely instructive. A guidebook of the Apuane is already in my bookshelf for two years, but that time the opportunities changed. Looking a this pano, they have to come back. Cheers, Martin
2016/03/31 21:54 , Martin Kraus
Jens: there is a bit of cheating in tnat cross. Namely, seeing that it showed a remarkable tilt backwards in direction Pania, I figured out already on the spot to amplify that height-reducing effect via Photoshop warping, in order to spare as many of the precious 500 pixels as possible.
This solution allowed me to remain at the unique standpoint which saved both the Fatonero wood (which is the house of the Apuane dwarfs) and the village Vagli di Sotto.
The Sumbra is farily wider than the average Apuan summit. Many years ago I slept comfortably on the top in a summer full-moon night.

Martin: you can ask whatever question you want about these mountains!
2016/04/01 10:44 , Pedrotti Alberto
Now reloaded with the cross virtually untouched.
2016/04/01 22:35 , Pedrotti Alberto
Really good and interesting. I also want to be there once.
2016/04/02 21:31 , Jörg Braukmann
Schöne Kombination aus Nah-,Tief-und Fernblick. Durch schneebedeckte und braune Berge sehr abwechslungsreich.
2016/04/04 08:41 , Friedemann Dittrich
2016/04/05 21:21 , Christoph Seger

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Pedrotti Alberto

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