Northwestern Sjælland in august   83620
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1 Kattegat
2 Dyrehøj 53 m, 11 km
3 Sekshøje 51 m, 11 km
4 Troldebjerg 57 m, 13 km
5 Annebjerg 62 m, 11 km
6 Frederiksværk, Northeastern Sjælland, 36 km
7 Arresødal Skov (forest) 55 m, 38 km
8 Ulkerup Skov (forest) 44 m, 11 km
9 P. 85 m, 0,7 km, #13581
10 Kongsøre Skov (forest), 15 km
11 Kyndbyværket power plant, Hornsherred peninsula, 25 km
12 Høve Mølle (mill), 0,5 km
13 Hønsehals Skov (forest) 49 m, 17 km
14 Luntebjerg 84 m, 7 km
15 Ryegaard Dyrehave (forest) 61 m, 29 km
16 Bavnehøj 62 m, 15 km
17 Egstallebjerg 94 m, 34 km
18 Grevinge Kirke (church), 6 km
19 Lerbjerg 113 m, 39 km
20 Gyldenløves Høj 126 m, 40 km
21 Mørkemose Bjerg 105 m, 25 km
22 Galge Overdrev 88 m, 26 km
23 Asnæs Kirke (church), 3 km
24 P. 86 m, 22 km
25 Knøsen 99 m, 24 km
26 Hjortebjerg 85 m, 24 km
27 Jyderup telemast, 17 km
28 Store Højbjerg 95 m, 22 km
29 Fårevejle Kirke (church), 4,5 km
30 Vejrhøj 121 m, 7 km


Location: Esterhøj (89 m)      by: Jan Lindgaard Rasmussen
Area: Denmark      Date: 2012-08-13, 19:50
The landscape of Northwestern Sjælland (Kalundborg - Holbæk and northwards) is called Odsherred - "the Herred of the Odde". Odde means "a pointing peninsula", and Herred means "riding army" - a political unit, capable of producing contributions to the army, collecting taxes and enforcement of the law.

As you can see, the location here is close to the former panos. The former location offers an unbroken view of the Sjællands Odde peninsula, which is not the case here, unfortunately. However, the view in every other direction is free. As with so many other viewpoints, trees grow up...I was here earlier the same day, but I was not really happy with the "grelles gegenlicht", so I came back later in the afternoon in a more soft light. We are also close to Vejrhøj, which I used extensively in early spring as location. You don't really see anything here, that I haven't shown in other panos, but every viewpoint has a right to be panoramised...:-)

Pano made from 22 pics (RAW), iso-100, f/11, 1/200 sec, developed in DPP (neutral, moderate sharpness, shadows lightened a bit), stitched with PTgui pro, re-scaled and sharpened in IrfanView.


In diesem weichen Abendlicht sieht das alles sehr gut aus. Schön, mal eine altertümliche "richtige" Windmühle zu sehen und nicht nur die "neumodischen Spargel". LG Fried
2013/09/03 16:51 , Friedemann Dittrich
Danish summer in perfection! LG Wilfried
2013/09/03 18:22 , Wilfried Malz
2013/09/03 21:44 , Giuseppe Marzulli
Richtig hügelig die Gegend. Fast schon hügeliger als dort wo ich wohne.
2013/09/03 23:00 , Hans-Jürgen Bayer
Danke für die interesse. Hans-Jürgen, is it the Alpenvorland? LG Jan.
2013/09/04 08:11 , Jan Lindgaard Rasmussen
Wonderful picture from your country Jan! I think with 89m it's a "danish munro" ;-) - lg Hans-Jörg
2013/09/04 18:50 , Hans-Jörg Bäuerle
Der im Umkreis von vielleicht 15km nächsthöhere Hügel ist der Nockherberg.
Eingefleischte Ureinwohner hatten oft Schwierigkeiten von dort wieder runterzukommen. Ja, Alpenvorland :-)
2013/09/04 22:52 , Hans-Jürgen Bayer
Hahaaaa, wegen der Biergarten? :-) LG Jan.
2013/09/05 20:27 , Jan Lindgaard Rasmussen

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Jan Lindgaard Rasmussen


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