This view has been very defining for me. I must have seen it more than 200 times. I was born and raised in the town of Hillerød, 25 km south of here. From as long back as I remember, I have been fond of birdwatching and outdoor life. Gilbjerg is one of the best places in Denmark to watch migrating birds, in particular with eastern winds (and they are often plentiful) in spring, so this was the place to go for me, in particular in the 90's. On clear days I would often look over to Sweden through my telescope, and dream about going over there.
In 1988 I was lucky to visit Sweden north of the great lakes on two occasions, one of them a week in Lappland. My legs were completely swept away under me, and I was forever lost to this country. Many visits was to follow. And so, everytime the longing for Sweden was present, a view from here was like a view to the promised land. With my Swedish affection I also became more consciously aware of the Nordic community; a political, cultural, linguistic and historical movement. I would call myself a conscious Scandinavian, but as such I soon felt like an outsider, the eerie boy never going to bed on time...:-) It is namely quite clear, that the danes and Denmark stands out in many respects: the only Nordic country bordering continental Europe, the most transformed of the Nordic languages (Scandinavians can understand each others mother tongue, but increasingly fewer master that, especially danes), the only Nordic country made up of mud, in stead of rock, and above all, a population who couldn't care less (a shame I think) - just give them some American reality shows...:-)
So, the view from here to there is all the differences in a nutshell: from a gravel cliff to bare rock and endless wood, with deep waters in between. More precise, one can see 2 of the characteristic horstes of Scania; Kullaberg and Hallandsåsen. They mark, alongside a handful other horstes, the end of the Fennoscandian Shield. The lowland (not really visible here) between Hallandsåsen and Kullaberg is fault-zone, basically like the Rhine between Vosges and Schwarzwald.
Originally posted as a riddle:
Now it is my turn to try a riddle. I am curious if it will be solved in a short while, or if it is met by silence...Of course it is a pp erstbesteigung, but 1 pano (almost 2) could be linked here. 300 mm tele may disturb the search, but let's see.
I would of course both like to know what I am looking at, and where I am standing.
The pano made from 16 pics (RAW), 300 mm, iso-100, f/7,1, 1/1000 sec, developed in DPP (Neutral, Shade, moderate sharpness, a tick brightness), stitched in PTgui pro, minor contrast adjustment in GIMP, downscaling and sharpness in IrfanView.
Hans-Jürgen Bayer, Jörg Braukmann, Klaus Brückner, Hans-Jörg Bäuerle, Friedemann Dittrich, Gerhard Eidenberger, Heinz Höra, Thomas Janeck, Danko Rihter, Arne Rönsch, Werner Schelberger, Christoph Seger, Matthias Stoffels, Markus Ulmer, Jens Vischer, Augustin Werner
I just added two labels on the coast you're looking at!
Kind regards, Matthias.
We have been in 2011 for an overnight stand with our camping car near the golfclub of mölle - 12.4572° Länge and 56.3012° Breite! A wonderful place!
But where's the photo taken Jan? I think near Gilleleje (Denmark) or from the little island Hesselø? ... great riddle!!! LG Hans-Jörg
@Matthias: You are close, but try to work out what is to the left of the lighthouse. Kullen can be seen better from other places, but "the thing" to the left is what makes this view special!
It is wonderful, how this community is never tired of a little riddle:-) LG Jan.
If this is not the point of view i can only find a "zick-zack-path" exactly 180 meters in the west of the west-lighthouse. It's difficult to find out whether the path leads to a hill where you have a better point of view! Perhaps there is a new view platform?
Otherwise i give up now "without the Easter eggs" :-))
'Gilbjerghoved' by Gilleleje is situated 35 metres above sea level.
somewhere around the Søren Kierkegaard-stenen?
I will add some text and labels later, but already now reveal that one can see the Hallands Väderö island left of Kullen, and the ridge Hallandsåsen to the right, behind Kullen. Both 40+ km in distance.
LG Jan.
thx for the riddle.
LG, Matthias.
A very skillful pano. Greetings HJ
As the distance from Gilbjerg Hoved to Mölle in Sweden is approx 30kms, with this distance the curvature of the earth is actually 70m and would mean that this photo is actually impossible....
Soo, this would either mean the earth is flat (haha) or this photo defies nature. either way making this photo even more incredible! :) maybe it was taken somewhere else?
Best regards
Damit konnte aber Kay Man nicht das Richtige anfangen und ist dann sogar darauf gekommen, daß er die Höhe des Fotostandortes anzweifelt.
Deshalb muß man ihm schon anhand der Tatsachen erklären, daß man vom 35m hohen Gilbjerg Hoved aufgrund der Erdkrümmung tatsächlich einen Teil von Mölle nicht sehen kann. Das ist der direkt am Wasser liegende Teil von Mölle wie der Hafen und auch die etwas darüberliegende Teile, die hinter dem Meereshorizont verschwinden. Aber die Teile von Mölle, die höher liegen und das Gelände, das ja über 100m hoch ist, sind "trotz Erdkrümmung" gut zu sehen, wie das Panoramabild von Jan L. zeigt, an das ich mich gerne zurückerinnere.
Die von mir angesprochenen Zahlenwerte, wie Radius des Meereshorizontes und Höhe üNN ab der die höherliegenden Teile von Mölle zu sehen sind, werde ich, wenn gewünscht, noch mitteilen.
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