This is so far my least nice panorama. It is here for purely documentary reasons. Far views has turned out as one of the most impressing sub-divisions on this site. I have been eager to find the farthest view possible in Denmark, but when searching the subject almost nothing comes up, except ads for hotels and liebhaber-estates. Knowing what I know about far views, I suspected the view from here to be a serious contender, because it immediately stretches over Kattegat. And on the Jutland side, around Århus, there are some high hills close to the sea. Two man-made structures (a tele-tower and a chimney) should make it easy to point out the exact locations. As a more dubious option, also a view to the eastern area between Vejle and Horsens (eastern Jutland) should be theoretical possible. The hilltop there lies at 110 m, but it is forested, so another 20 m can be added to the height.
I went up there on a scouting tour with my son, and I was quite surprised to see how clear the Århus hills were to be seen. Unfortunately there is a slight distortion in the view due to mirroreffects above the sea. This period was characterised by inversion-like fog, and some areas at sea were still covered, but everything above came out very clear. The 83 km to Jelshøj (128 m), south of Århus is absolutely certain, but I am a little doubtful if I really saw Troldemose Bakke (110 m) 91 km away. I will upload a very tight crop of a small pano, and try to point out what is to be seen, for anybody to make their own opinion.
Pano made from 7 handheld pictures (RAW), 300 mm, iso-100, f/10, 1/640s. Developped in DPP (neutral + daylight), one click contrast and sharpness added, stitched in Hugin, more contrast and de-saturated in GIMP, scaled and sharpened in IrfanView.
Jörg Braukmann, Gerhard Eidenberger, Jörg Engelhardt, Velten Feurich, Heinz Höra, Wilfried Malz, Jörg Nitz, Danko Rihter, Werner Schelberger, Walter Schmidt, Robert Viehl, Jens Vischer
Jörg E.
Es ist doch verblüffend, Dein Einfallsreichtum in Deiner Landschaft Jan!
Gruss Walter
Dein Super-Weitsicht-Panorama werde ich aber erst morgen in aller Ruhe würdigen können.
BR Gerhard.
PS nachträglich noch alles gute zum Geburtstag!
Die Dokumentation der Weitsichten ist sehr gelungen - dank der hohen Bauten - und derdoch zahlreichen Hügel über 100 m Höhe. Doch warum bricht das Panorama vor den höchsten Erhebungen der Mols Bjerge ab?
Jan, entschuldige bitte wieder, daß ich deutsch schreibe. Wenn es doch etwas unverständlich für Dich wird, dann laß es mich wissen und ich werde meine nicht ganz so guten Englischkenntnisse bemühen.
I had two more pics at the end, but I think the transsitions between nr. 7 and 8 was too visible. I can try to rework it, but it takes some time. The pano only stitched on Sejerø, so I had to put the other controlpoints manually. That can also cause transsitions, so try and try and try...Interesting for me here is, that it is a hill-to-hill-view. I would guess one could look from the top of a mast in +300m in north-central Jutland more than 100 km to the Great-belt-bridge. The highest point in Denmark is a mast on Bornholm - 309m + 116m üNN = 425m. From there one should be able to spot Rügen on a good day, as you have thought about, but probably not the other way round. But perhaps Møns Klint from east of Lohme, +80 km? LG Jan.
Doch nochmals zu Deinem Panoramabild. Mir wird bewußt, daß es nicht einfach war, es so stitchen. Man kann aber auch ohne Kontrollpunkte stitchen. PTGui bietet dabei aber keine gute Unterstützung (...tray and tray and tray...). Ich mach es so, daß ich im Panorama-Editor den Breitenwinkel so verringere, daß die Bildhöhe maximal wird. Dann gehe ich mit Numerical Transform zur entsprechenden Stelle, wo zwei Bilder genau aneinander gepasst werden sollen. Das könnte man zwar z. B. in Photoshop viel genauer machen, aber dort hat man nicht das gute Enblend-Programm.
Jan, Deine Überlegungen zum hill-to-hill-view sind interessant und anregend, aber man kommt als normaler Mensch doch nicht auf einen 300m-Mast. Über den auf Bornholm habe ich nichts gefunden. Und vielen Dank für Deine Vorschlag, Moens Klint von Lohme aus zu suchen. Lohme liegt aber etwas zu tief, so daß man höchstens eine kleine Spitze sehen würde, über der Halbinsel Wittow. Dort habe ich aber schon einen schönen Sonnenuntergang erlebt Besser könnte man wohl Moen vom höher gelegenen Nipmerow aus sehen, in 83 km Entfernung. Aber in (fast) voller Größe am besten vom Kap Arkona, dann aber nur in 67 km Entfernung. Das würde so aussehen wie von Hiddensee aus
Regarding the mast you can find it here:
Scroll down to Region Bornholm, and look at Rø. Some info about height and a Google-maps link. You are right, it is not for common people to get up there, only technicians are allowed, and they need to complete a climbing training-course, in order to get down if the elevator breaks down. A wild shot in the dark: maybe a good Leica-telescope on Jasmund can make it out...
South east of Lohme the landscape rises quicly and at the forest edge is above 100 m - will Wittow not be too deep to disrupt the view to Mön? Anyway, Nipmerow can be just as good, regarding the distance +80 km.
LG Jörg
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