Breiðdalsvík   4835
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1 Streitishvarf, 6 km
2 Grænafell 981 m, 14 km
3 Kistufell 1100 m, 25 km
4 Silfuberg 1030 m, 20 km
5 Kambanes, 7 km
6 Iðusker


Location: Selnes (5 m)      by: Jan Lindgaard Rasmussen
Area: Iceland      Date: 2018-07-24, 12:59
Breiðdalsvík is a small and nice community in one of the many smaller eastern fjords of Iceland.

Pano made from 24 HF pics (RAW), 50 mm, iso-100, f/9, 1/500 sec, developed in DPP (daylight, neutral, moderate sharpness), stitched in PTGui pro, scaling and sharpening in Irfanview.


Bold contrast of foreground and background.
2022/04/27 19:39 , Jörg Braukmann
I remember well the easternfjord landscape with its basalt raws rising up to the coast line. Somebody told us this is due to the weight of the icecap in the middle of Iceland. Cheers Peter
2022/04/29 20:48 , Peter Brandt
Peter, yes I read that in one of your own panos from Iceland, also :-) I don't remember which one, I am afraid. It is interesting, that the whole of Scandinavia is still rising since the last iceage. Most prominent in the Bay of Bothnia (1 cm pr. 100 years), least in Denmark. There is a line through southern Denmark, with everything north of it rising, and like a tilt, the effect is most pronounced at the far end of the tilt.
2022/04/30 22:21 , Jan Lindgaard Rasmussen
I am enjoying the way you present the cloud so much that I have to force myself to also consider the grand landscape ;-) Cheers, Martin
2022/05/09 20:34 , Martin Kraus

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Jan Lindgaard Rasmussen


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