Montemassi   71828
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1 Monte Amiata, 1733m
2 Monte Buceto, 1152m
3 Monte Leoni, 616m
4 Poggio Lecci (Monti dell' Uccellina), 417m
6 Poggio Bruno, 369m
7 Poggio Ballone, 631m
8 Monte d'Alma, 559m


Location: Castello di Montemassi      by: Giuseppe Marzulli
Area: Italy      Date: 3 August 2019

Montemassi is a small village in Tuscany.
In the Middle Ages it was the site of an important castle. Only a few ruins remain of this castle, but the position of the castle allowed to control this part of Tuscany and is very panoramic.
In 1328 it was conquered by the condottiero Guidoriccio da Fogliano, fighting for Siena; the event is depicted in a famous fresco in the Palazzo Pubblico of Siena.


spontaneously i was reminded of a famous village in F, name starting with Go. Probably i'm wrong
2019/08/28 01:01 , Augustin Werner
A riddle in a riddle ... if Luis Góngora rated this beautiful panorama, then it's perhaps Andalusia :-) !?!

Cheers, Hans-Jörg
2019/08/28 08:47 , Hans-Jörg Bäuerle
The church of this little town has the name: Santa Maria delle... ;-)

Cheers Werner
2019/08/28 09:16 , Werner Schelberger
Werner, are you sure?
2019/08/28 10:06 , Giuseppe Marzulli
@Giuseppe, how can you doubt? ;-))
I'm so sure, I'll invite you to a dinner, if it's not true! You can't see Santa M. on the panorama (its on the right). The church on the picture is called Sant'A. A... :-D

Cheers Werner
2019/08/28 12:18 , Werner Schelberger
Maybe I had read about an invitation to dinner ;-)
2019/08/28 13:00 , Giuseppe Marzulli
I thank everyone for participating.
2019/08/28 19:08 , Giuseppe Marzulli

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Giuseppe Marzulli

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