Sunrise from Gokyo Ri   91948
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1 Tengi Ragi Tau, 6938
2 Dragkar Go, 6771
3 5891
4 Nangpa 6907
5 Nangpa 6797
6 Jasamba, 7352
7 5467
8 Cho Oyu, 8201
9 Ngozumpa Kang I, 7916
10 Ngozumpa Kang II, 7743
11 Gyachung Kang, 7952
12 Hungchi, 7036
13 Ngozumpa Glacier
14 Kangchung W, 6089
15 Kangchung E, 6136
16 Pumori, 7161
17 Changtse, 7543
18 Nirekha, 6169
19 Everest, 8848
20 Lhotse, 8516
21 Makalu, 8463
22 5895
23 Cholatse, 6440
24 Taweche, 6542
25 Malanphulan, 6571
26 Gokyo Lake
27 Kangtega, 6779
28 Kyashar, 6769
29 Thamserku, 6623
30  Kusum Kangri, 6369
31 Pari Lapcha, 6076


Location: Gokyo Ri (5350 m)      by: Pedrotti Alberto
Area: Nepal      Date: 28-04-2019
The present work is only an experiment made out of unprocessed camera jpegs.
However, the zealous Betrachter may want to decrypt a little bit the view, and in particular to
- identify the mountain just right of the rising sun;
- determine the Aufnahmestandort.


A classical view from Gokyo Ri, which is even better than Kala Pattar.
A valuable work from this viewpoint, definitely worth to have a look, is also

Location: 27.96181 86.68311


The summit right next to the sun - it recently became rather "famous" again for a kind of "traffic jam" which was caused by hundreds of people ascending or descending.
The "Aufnahmestandort" - it is a very popular target for hikers, close to a lake where there are also some occasions to the spend the night.
Not really more than a simple "Bergwanderung" but the environment in this region unfortunately does not offer as much oxygene as our beloved alps in the lower and middle regions ...
2019/06/03 12:30 , Dietrich Kunze
Indeed, the lakes are visible (in frozen version).
Close to the big one there is also a German bakery...
Cheers, Alberto.
2019/06/03 12:51 , Pedrotti Alberto
Great! After your recent fb postings I was expecting pictures like this and I am very happy to see much more of these beautiful mountains.
2019/06/03 13:58 , Jens Vischer
I need to find a RAW processor the for my new Sony camera...
I read that support for the RX10 mk III was introduced with Lighroom 6.5.1, so my time-honoured 5.4.1 is no longer sufficient.
But if I look on the Adobe site for Lightroom 6, 7 or 8 then at the end I am redirected to a subscription to Lightroom CC...
Let us say that behaviours of this kind are very annoying!
2019/06/04 13:15 , Pedrotti Alberto
This is teriffic.

A good raw converter for Sony should be Capture One
2019/06/04 21:42 , Christoph Seger
Everest is rather prominent from Gokyo Ri, for me it was the silhouette of Cholatse which made the decisive hint.
2019/06/05 09:35 , Dietrich Kunze
Christoph: actually, I saw (now I do no remember where) Capture One offered together with the camera. Not the whole program, of course, but only the part needed to develop the camera raws.
Meanwhile, judging from the camera jpegs, I have good expectations concerning Sony colors...

Dietrich: Cholatse is indeed a unique mountain. If you happen to own the invaluable book Himalaya alpine-style, go to the section dedicate do this mountain and find an incredible photo showing Ed Webster "flying" above the Dudh Khosi from an aerial bivac site on the W spur, in view of Gokyo and of the Rolwaling Himal.

I found Gokyo Ri an incredible viewpoint, even better than Mera Peak or Island Peak.
In my opinion, a strong competitor is the unknown Ngozumpa Tse, 5550 m GPS, 8 km north, located ad only 6 km from the summit of Cho Oyu (!), but due to its distance from Gokyo it is not feasible to be there at sunrise.
But also the "trivial" Kala Pattar should not be underestimated:
Cheers, Alberto.
2019/06/05 14:06 , Pedrotti Alberto
I have already enjoyed many impressions of your journey on FB - now it is a great pleasure to see you again on p-p and to admire your panoramas - what a grandiose mountain landscape ... thanks for sharing, Alberto !!!

Cheers, Hans-Jörg
2019/06/10 12:29 , Hans-Jörg Bäuerle
Now reworked and reloaded using the raw images.
2019/10/31 21:22 , Pedrotti Alberto

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Pedrotti Alberto

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