Pollino in spring version   71313
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1 Pinus heldreichii
2 Serra Dolcedorme, 2267m
3 Monte Pollino, 2248m
4 Serra del Prete, 2180m


Location: Piani del Pollino      by: Giuseppe Marzulli
Area: Italy      Date: 21 April 2011

Martin Kraus is showing several very beautiful panos of the Pollino Massif. I wanted to prove that I was there in the Pollino even with snow. Years ago I was in the area some times, but at the time I didn't shoot panoramas, if not occasionally.
The localization of the pano is approximate.


somewhere in the Abruzzese Mountains?
2019/04/07 10:28 , Christoph Seger
Hi Christoph. It is not in the Abruzzo Apennines.
It is a kind of psychological experiment...
2019/04/07 11:53 , Giuseppe Marzulli
Hi Giuseppe
If so (psychological experiment) I do have to give you a broad smile.
Herzlichst Christoph
2019/04/07 12:06 , Christoph Seger
Great view. The snow changes perception (if that is what you mean by the experiment), but it does not change the very characteristic vegetation. Still took me some time, as the perspective on the rocky north faces is new to me. Your location seems to be a piano named after the mountain range and the mountain in the middle. Amazing what you have in your archives. Cheers, Martin
2019/04/07 13:09 , Martin Kraus
Ok Martin. What I wanted to try to prove is that snow changes perception. There are many recent panos in this area and it should have been very easy to identify. But they were all snowless and it is not easy to understand how the same landscape can change with snow.
2019/04/07 13:32 , Giuseppe Marzulli
A fine "winter" answer to Martin's recently presented autumn panorama !!!

Un caro saluto a te, Hans-Jörg
2019/04/11 17:54 , Hans-Jörg Bäuerle
Scopro solo oggi questo panorama clamoroso.
Mi pare di poter dire con ragionevole certezza che il cocuzzolo sulla sinistra sia quello che sta sotto di me in questa foto dalla cresta della Serra delle Ciavole:
L'avevo anche un tempo proposta come mini-panorama.
Sarei curioso di sapere da che parte eri salito in quella stagione.
2020/06/27 15:45 , Pedrotti Alberto

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Giuseppe Marzulli

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