Val Lagarina   62643
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1 Punta di Naole, 1659m
2 Madonna della Corona (pano 12596)
3 Spiazzi
4 Vetta delle Buse, 2155m
5 Punta Telegrafo, 2200m
6 Punta Pettorina, 2192m
7 Monte Castelcucco, 1187m
8 Cima Valdritta, 2218m
9 Cima del Longino, 2179m
10 Cima delle Pozzette, 2132m
11 Rivalta
12 Adige
13 Monte Cerbiolo, 1559m
14 Belluno Veronese
15 Peri
16 Ossenigo
17 Colma di Pravecchio, 1540m
18 Monte Vignola, 1607m
19 Corno d'Aquilio, 1545m


Location: Breonio      by: Giuseppe Marzulli
Area: Italy      Date: 1 November 2017

This pano shows a short stretch of Lagarina Valley (Val Lagarina). To the left the Monte Baldo.
The Lagarina Valley is a valley used to define the lower mountain course of the Adige (Etsch) River.


Io non vorrei dire troppo... se non che in questa inquadratura c'entra qualcosa anche Toscanini.
Osanna al fotografo!
2017/11/16 23:22 , Pedrotti Alberto
This is difficult but some rocks look a bit like marble or at least limestone. Giuseppe
2017/11/17 00:28 , Mentor Depret
Sehr schönes Pano. Im Tal sieht man den Ort Rivalta und weiter hinten Belluno Veronese.
2017/11/17 09:23 , Horst Muschert
Well done, Giuseppe, well done, Horst!

I searched along Piave and Tagliamento for some minutes this morning, but I would not have recognized the Etsch/Adige.
2017/11/17 10:13 , Arne Rönsch
Monte Baldo / Adige.
2017/11/17 13:22 , Klaus Brückner
Practically .... all right ;-), particularly for Horst.
For Alberto, this was easy.
2017/11/17 20:25 , Giuseppe Marzulli

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Giuseppe Marzulli

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