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1 Monte Moregallo, 1276m
2 Corno di Canzo Centrale, 1368m
3 Corno di Canzo Occidentale, 1373m
4 RSA San Giorgio
5 Monte Oriolo, 1110m
6 Conca di Crezzo (pano 22352)
7 Onno
8 Mandello del Lario
9 Civenna


Location: Mandello del Lario      by: Giuseppe Marzulli
Area: Italy      Date: 17 September 2017
I hope the title in German is right...
However, the title explains the pano.


Yes, the title is correct and fits perfectly to the picture!
2017/10/01 22:16 , Jens Vischer
Perfetto "tedesco" per un panorama drammaticamente perfetto - molto meglio del mio piccolo italiano ;-))

Tanti saluti dalla Foresta Nera, Giuseppe
2017/10/02 07:48 , Hans-Jörg Bäuerle
The Lario at its most typical - and much better than with a boring blue sky. Cheers, Martin
2017/10/03 09:54 , Martin Kraus
Es dräut gefährlich!
2017/10/03 22:22 , Peter Brandt

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Giuseppe Marzulli

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