Tinmel mosque   72338
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1 Izrane-n-Dlaline, 2702


Location: Tinmel (1265 m)      by: Pedrotti Alberto
Area: Morocco      Date: 26-04-2011
The Almohad dynasty originates from the tiny Berber village of Tinmel in the High Atlas.
When you look at the Giralda in Sevilla, at the Hassan Tower in Rabat, or at the Koutoubia in Marrakech, just to name three of the most outstanding monuments build by the Almohads (al-Muwahiddin: "those who believe in only one God"), think that everything originated from here.
Besides the huge Hassan II on Casablanca, this is the unique mosque in Marocco which is open to non-Muslim visitors. The interior is stunningly majestic in its raw simplicity, but I do not have panoramic pictures of it.


Molto bella e di grande interesse. Ma non avevi un pò paura a girare il Marocco in bici?
2017/09/03 22:44 , Giuseppe Marzulli
Intendi se avrei paura adesso?
Ora non so, all'epoca dei miei quattro viaggi in bici (Natale 2007, Natale 2010, Pasqua 2011, Pasqua 2013) il Marocco era assolutamente tranquillo. Tieni conto che io mi tengo preferibilmente sulle montagne. Piú precisamente, su quelle del sud: se ti sposti verso nord è un po' come da noi... spostarsi verso sud.
A Tinmel fa comunque impressione avere un monumento simile tutto per sé, andare a cercarsi il custode con la chiave, etc. Ma anche alla meravigliosa kasbah di Telouet e a quella del tutto sconosciuta di Amjouj ho avuto la stessa esperienza.
2017/09/03 22:57 , Pedrotti Alberto
I am glad to see Alberto's bike against the wall. I learned to do all my small trips by bike too because one sees so much more than by car.
2017/09/03 23:01 , Mentor Depret
Does one see anything by car???
2017/09/04 01:22 , Pedrotti Alberto
Happy to see something in the vicinity of my very first panorama here - reminds me I need to get back there. And a recommendation to everybody here that this is a worthwhile goal - with somewhat lesser fitness also reachable by car. Cheers, Martin
2017/09/05 20:42 , Martin Kraus
Well made. I prefer walking in case of seeing much more ;-)
2017/09/06 21:43 , Steffen Minack
Only, a tour like https://goo.gl/DgHmn3 may require time to be carried out by foot...
Consider that the red part is typically done in one week.
2017/09/07 00:38 , Pedrotti Alberto

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Pedrotti Alberto

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