Entering Warnemünde   71954
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1 Graal-Müritz, 10 km
2 Restaurent "Blaue Boie", Markgrafenheide, 4,5 km
3 Hohe Düne, 2 km
4 Billenhäger Forst, 17 km
5 Kraftwerk, 6 km


Location: Scandlines ferry (15 m)      by: Jan Lindgaard Rasmussen
Area: Germany      Date: 2017-07-02, 04:19
Going on vacation, we took the nightferry from Gedser to Rostock. I wanted to shoot some 180 degrees panos of Warnemünde, but as it turned out I was too worn down, and fell asleep on the boat...Therefore I was a little late out, and only managed to do a pano from each side of the boat when entering Warnemünde. I had hoped to combine the 2, but I was too close to Warnemünde to get it right :-(

It was still an awesome experience coming at this hour. Magic light conditions in the early hours...I don't know why, but I have always liked Rostock and its vicinity much more than Puttgarden, though I normally prefer rural areas. Such a morning only contributed to that...hmm, bias if you will. Well, anyway I have placed a pano from the other side of the ferry, plus 2 single shots, on my testplatz, #10164. The 2 single shots show that the dark part of the waves was actually a distinct phenomenon. Perhaps turbulens from the ferry?

Originally a riddle: - Most likely too easy; there are already panos from the near vicinity...So what are we looking at? Date and orientation are right.

Pano made from 5 pics (RAW), Canon 6d, 50 mm, iso-4000, f/3,2, 1/200 s, developed in DPP (cloudy, neutral, moderate sharpness), stitched in PTgui pro, and scaled and sharpened in Irfanview.


Jan, I have reasonable suspicion, I'll send you a message.

Yes, I'm sure. Your riddles are very pleasurable for me - carry on please, Jan ;-)
And, of course, it's not too easy, by no means, in no case ...
2017/08/02 21:53 , Arno Bruckardt
I know it, too. If you would not have given the hint it would have been much harder ...
2017/08/03 21:50 , Christoph Seger
I fear AB and CS soon must reveal the correct answer, but can it really be, that not even Heinz and Arne can rekognize this place???
2017/08/06 16:05 , Jan Lindgaard Rasmussen
Hallo Jan, weshalb Arne? Dann doch eher Leonhard.
PS: Ach so, der will da ja mal vorbeigeschippert sein.
2017/08/06 23:22 , Heinz Höra
Zu so früher Stunde war ich dort noch nicht gewesen. Da sind Dir wieder fein gezeichneten Aufnahmen gelungen, Jan. Der hohe Anteil an dunklen, drohenden Wolken vermittelt gut den Eindruck, den man dort im Morgengrauen haben kann. Und der helle Streifen Richtung Fischland läßt erahnen, daß dort bald die Sonne aufgehen sollte.
2017/08/07 11:29 , Heinz Höra
I would not have recognized it without your hint and Heinz' friendly comment, Jan.

But now I remember getting there in a similar light on the very morning of the World Cup Final 2002 using the night ferry from Trelleborg.
2017/08/07 13:23 , Arne Rönsch
Thank you all for participating. It was - of course - from Warnemünde. I know there isn't much to be seen, but thought that maybe the Kraftwerk was recognizable. Another pano from the other side of the ferry can be seen at my testplatz, #10164.

Updated describtion and labels.
2017/08/07 17:22 , Jan Lindgaard Rasmussen

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Jan Lindgaard Rasmussen


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