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1 Volcán Calbuco, 2004
2 Lago Llanquihue


Location: Mirador Llanquihue (1620 m)      by: Pedrotti Alberto
Area: Chile      Date: 17-05-2014
The Osorno, one of the most perfect volcanic cones in the world, lies at the same latitude as Bari, but thanks to the Patagonian climate it hosts glaciers which descend well below the altitude (1620 m) of the present standpoint.
Refuge Teski, endpoint of the access road and starting point of the ski centre, lies at approx 1200 m. There, I hired a pair of boots in order to walk from here to the present Mirador and higher up to the Mirador Seracs. Without crampons I could not get any further. Moreover, the summit climb was closed by an order of the local alcalde (mayor), due to heavy danger of icefall. In spite of the remarks made above, climate change is acting heavily even in this remote corner of the globe - perhaps even more than elsewhere.
Concerning the present work, the challenge here was to find suitable suitable control points in order to Udeuschle-control the right half of the view. The job was easy for the left side, where there are the mountains, and where the Udeuschle skyline seems to reliably resemble the reality - which is far from being the rule in these regions.
With these additional points, now I believe to license a reasonably sound work.
I will work out names and directions in case I detect decent interest - which is also far from being the rule nowadays.

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I recently saw a TV documentation of this wonderful region, especially with the volcanos. I remembered your first pano with the fence, but this one is even better!
2016/10/29 15:50 , Jens Vischer
"Even better"... I think that the right object qualifying for this statement would be
This had been produced at the time of the big eruption of Volcan Calbuco, 30-04-2015. Needless to say, the Betrachters had seen it with big suspicion!
Cheers, Alberto.

PS: maybe your TV documentation solved my old question about the cathedral of Puerto Varas: after which church in Germany is it modeled?
2016/10/29 15:55 , Pedrotti Alberto
No, unfortunately not. You may have to make a list of all churches in the Schwarzwald, that should not be so many, and then compare each one of them ;-)
2016/10/29 19:15 , Jens Vischer
Would have probably also qualified for your "end of the world" series, if not for the ski area infrastructure...strange and fascinating place indeed.
Cheers, Martin
2016/11/02 19:20 , Martin Kraus

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Pedrotti Alberto

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