Il Battistero di San Giovanni   84131
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1 Paradiso
2 Inferno
3 Madonna
4 Cristo giudice
5 Santi
6 Dodici Apostoli
7 Schiere angeliche
8 Schiere angeliche
9 Cristo benedicente
10 Troni
11 Dominazioni
12 Podesta'
13 Virtu'
14 Arcangeli
15 Principati
16 Angeli
17 Dio ordina a Noè di costruire l' Arca
18 Rimprovero di Dio
19 Lamech uccide Caino e Tubalkain
20 Cacciata dal Paradiso Terrestre
21 Giuseppe interpreta i sogni del faraone
22 Sacrificio di Caino ed Abele
23 Caino uccide Abele
24 Lavoro dei progenitori
25 Viaggio di Giuseppe in Egitto con gli ismaeliti
26 Sogni del Faraone
27 Giuseppe in carcere interpreta i sogni del coppiere e del panettiere
28 Giuseppe arrestato per le accuse della moglie di Putifarre
29 Putifarre acquista Giuseppe dai mercanti ismaeliti
30 Strage degli innocenti
31 Viaggio di ritorno dei Magi
32 Fuga in Egitto
33 Sogno di San Giuseppe
34 Presentazione di Gesù al Tempio
35 San Giovanni Battista visitato in prigione dai discepoli
36 San Giovanni Battista indica Cristo come Agnello di Dio
37 San Giovanni Battista in prigione
38 San Giovanni Battista rimprovera Erode
39 Battesimo di Cristo


Location: Firenze      by: Giuseppe Marzulli
Area: Italy      Date: November 2013
I think that if you are not a little crazy, do not try to make a pano like this :-). I know it is not perfect, but the degree of difficulty was very very high and the Baptistery is not perfectly regular, because it has almost a thousand years of life.

7 photos; 24 mm (full format); f2,8; 1/160 sec.; 800 ISO. Obviously in the Baptistery is forbidden to use the tripod or the flash (and there is always a lot of people).

The Baptistry of Saint John (Battistero di San Giovanni) or Florence Baptistery is one of the oldest buildings in the city, constructed between 1059 and 1128 in the Florentine Romanesque style. Located near the Cathedral of Santa Maria del Fiore, it is one of the most important monuments in Florence.
From the artistic point of view is considered an absolute masterpiece.

The position of the Baptistery can be seen in the pano 16317. Up until the end of the 19th century, all catholics in Florence were baptized within its doors. It has an octagonal plan. All of the inner dome is made up of mosaics.

Schematically, the mosaics represent on the right side, the Last Judgement; on the left side, stories of Genesis or episodes from the life of Christ and St. John.


I love this kind of panorama !! I think it is always fun to do such a picture, people start to stare a bit at you and you get so nicely dizzy in the over-head passage of the exposure row :-)))
2014/10/11 18:44 , Christoph Seger
"Prachtvoll". KR Arno
2014/10/12 00:24 , Arno Bruckardt
"Nel mio bel San Giovanni" 
Dante, Inf., XIX, 17

Ottimissimo lavoro, originale e accurato.
Ciao, Alvise
2014/10/12 08:27 , Alvise Bonaldo
"E ne l’antico vostro Batisteo" : io vado avanti solo un paio di versi dalla citazione dell'altro giorno!
2014/10/12 14:21 , Pedrotti Alberto
Phantastic. Thanks for undertaking this. Cheers, Martin
2014/10/12 14:33 , Martin Kraus
Interesting an very good presented!
2014/10/13 19:17 , Jörg Braukmann
At this location one wants to spend hours lying on the floor just watching the ceiling. Thank you for sharing this spectacular view.
Kind regards, Matthias.
2014/10/25 23:04 , Matthias Stoffels
I have never seen this before in such a quality.
Greetings from Wolfgang
2014/10/25 23:07 , Wolfgang Bremer

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Giuseppe Marzulli

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