The plateau of Er-Rich   123810
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1 Er-Rich
2 Jebel Bou Hamid, 2530
3 2290
4 Direction Imilchil
5 Jebel Tagountza, 2611
6 Aferdou-n-Ouallal, 1649
7 Jebel Affra, 2124
8 Jebel Tattiouine, 3241
10 Direction Midelt
11 1812
12 Isk-n-Arbia, 1809
13 1552
14 Direction Errachidia
15 Jebel Irf Azougar


Location: Er-Rich (1365 m)      by: Pedrotti Alberto
Area: Morocco      Date: 29-03-2012
The Betrachter who found the previous problem too easy, may want to work on this other.


This is a 360 view of the plateau of Er-Rich, on the road between Errachidia and Midelt.
Here, even being on a main communication road, one has the impression of being in the middle of nowhere.
From here, one already begins to see the long barrier of Jebel Ayachi - look where the road points to a short, narrow gorge.
On the opposite side, the roads points to the long and spectacular Ziz Gorge, of which I should have some panoramas waiting in some queue.

28 vertical images, Nikon D7000, zoom 16-85, 72 mm equiv, 1/200 sec, f/10.



This is very special - I am not even sure about the continent (I would exclude Australia and certainly Antarctica but knowing the "fernweh" of your bicycle not much more ...)
2014/08/22 14:26 , Christoph Seger
No, it is not Antarctica.
All the Australian tourists in Ushuaia had made at least the 4000$ cruise to Antarctica, and an English cyclist in Chalten told me that no, never he would have chosen the 4000$ "cruise of the poor": he had taken the 7000$ serious cruise disembarking everyday...
In any case, both solutions were widely beyond the financial reach of the poor Italian teacher.
Having mentioned Australia: not, it is not Australia.
2014/08/22 14:34 , Pedrotti Alberto
Pediments and Sediment layers combined with the red colours remind me of your "Hoher Atlas" pictures; the green strip could be an oasis in a Wadii ...
2014/08/22 14:52 , Christoph Seger
Hmm, somewhere around (+500 km) the Four Corners Monument (Colorado x Utah x Arizona x New Mexico)? Greetings, Jan.
2014/08/22 14:56 , Jan Lindgaard Rasmussen
Yes, 4-corners seems also a good choice. Or somewhere in Chile ?
2014/08/22 15:12 , Christoph Seger
To the contributors:

I would say that the old rule of the thumb advising to stick with the first impression (Atlas) here proves to work fine.

P.S.: stay careful, however... Be aware that this statement comes from Crete, and recall the old Cretan Epimenides warning that every Cretan is a liar!
2014/08/22 16:20 , Pedrotti Alberto
Thanks, Christoph, for reminding me of my own travel - I was just about to discard the riddle as South-American, which I have no clue about. Colours, geology, vegetation, villages and lastly the type and state of road are definitively the Moroccan Atlas.
@Alberto - After a quick Google Earth search and remembering your route end of March 2013, I would guess the N13 near Er-Rich, somewhere about 32.284N, 4.506W. Looking at neighbouring panos, this should be 30.03.2013.
Cheers, Martin
PS: Have never been in that part - looks like a nice suggestion.
2014/08/22 16:33 , Martin Kraus
Huge congrats!
So, while the Cretan "Hitze" of this afternoon slowly dissolves, I can already turn to the final titles!
Cheers, Alberto.
2014/08/22 16:44 , Pedrotti Alberto
One day off with the guess, then. Gives me the opportunity to also praise the quality of the pano. I have often been admiring how clearly the geological layering is visible in these arid places, not covered by soil and woods. You have found a point where this fascinating feature of south Morocco is visible in all directions. Cheers, Martin
2014/08/22 17:35 , Martin Kraus
Bellissima proposta.
2014/08/23 11:25 , Giuseppe Marzulli
Intuitively I feel like the horizon isn't level in this Panorama (where I live it's more likely that poles aren't vertical than for the horizon to be not level), but I trust your skills! Interesting round'shot'! Cheers,
2014/08/24 02:07 , Augustin Werner
Augustin: I stitched this work more than one year ago, and at my age memory fades... moreover, I do not find any log file in the directory. But I remember some thought: Putting together the sacred (the far minarets) and the secular (the close poles, even assuming them to be trustworthy), by throwing their control points, unweighted, in what I expect to be no more than some least-squares approximation machinery, makes here even less sense than elsewhere.
So in Italy we say: among the two, the third wins, the third being of course Udeuschle... In Him I put all my hope that day!
2014/09/03 11:50 , Pedrotti Alberto

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Pedrotti Alberto

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