The Betrachter who found the previous problem too easy, may want to work on this other.
This is a 360 view of the plateau of Er-Rich, on the road between Errachidia and Midelt.
Here, even being on a main communication road, one has the impression of being in the middle of nowhere.
From here, one already begins to see the long barrier of Jebel Ayachi - look where the road points to a short, narrow gorge.
On the opposite side, the roads points to the long and spectacular Ziz Gorge, of which I should have some panoramas waiting in some queue.
28 vertical images, Nikon D7000, zoom 16-85, 72 mm equiv, 1/200 sec, f/10.
All the Australian tourists in Ushuaia had made at least the 4000$ cruise to Antarctica, and an English cyclist in Chalten told me that no, never he would have chosen the 4000$ "cruise of the poor": he had taken the 7000$ serious cruise disembarking everyday...
In any case, both solutions were widely beyond the financial reach of the poor Italian teacher.
Having mentioned Australia: not, it is not Australia.
I would say that the old rule of the thumb advising to stick with the first impression (Atlas) here proves to work fine.
P.S.: stay careful, however... Be aware that this statement comes from Crete, and recall the old Cretan Epimenides warning that every Cretan is a liar!
@Alberto - After a quick Google Earth search and remembering your route end of March 2013, I would guess the N13 near Er-Rich, somewhere about 32.284N, 4.506W. Looking at neighbouring panos, this should be 30.03.2013.
Cheers, Martin
PS: Have never been in that part - looks like a nice suggestion.
So, while the Cretan "Hitze" of this afternoon slowly dissolves, I can already turn to the final titles!
Cheers, Alberto.
So in Italy we say: among the two, the third wins, the third being of course Udeuschle... In Him I put all my hope that day!
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