Pitigliano, in southern Tuscany, is, in my opinion, one of the most amazing Italian villages. The buildings of Pitigliano, all built in the tufa, are inserted into the landscape with compactness such that it is very difficult to separate the man's work from that of nature.
Pedrotti Alberto, Wolfgang Bremer, Arno Bruckardt, Hans-Jörg Bäuerle, Jörg Engelhardt, Leonhard Huber, Thomas Janeck, Franz Kerscher, Martin Kraus, Danko Rihter, Patrick Runggaldier, Christoph Seger, Matthias Stoffels, Michael Strasser, Markus Ulmer, Jens Vischer, Augustin Werner, Beatrice Zanon
Post Scriptum: For a very short time I could enjoy your recent Berlin picture - will it come back?
The medieval towns such as Pitigliano have not straight lines, because over the centuries, some of the buildings bend a bit showing its age.
But with Berlin I want to have straight lines :-).
Tanti saluti Wolfgang
Buco nero per i panoramisti: nessun altro lavoro nel raggio di 30 km!!!
Pitigliano, Sorano, Sovana... Manciano e Scansano... Roccalbegna e Cana... fa piacere solo ripetere la filastrocca dei nomi, tanto è magica quella zona!
(Cana non sapevo neanche che esistesse, quella volta che ci capitai in bici: ma forse il fatto di restarsene lí quasi sconosciuti fa parte della magia di questi luoghi)
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