Place me on Sunium's marbled steep,
Where nothing, save the waves and I, May hear our mutual murmurs sweep... (Lord Byron) The dramatic coastal location of Cape Sounion in southern Attica was an ideal spot for a Temple of Poseidon, god of the sea. In a maritime country like Greece, the god of the sea was bound to occupy a high position in the divine hierarchy and Poseidon was considered second only to Zeus the supreme god himself. The temple was a venue where mariners, and also entire cities or states, could propitiate Poseidon, by making animal sacrifice, or leaving gifts. Now it is famous for its ruins and the magnificent geographical location. It is said that the sunset at the Temple of Poseidon is one of the most beautiful in Greece. But I was tired and I fell asleep at sunset ;). When I woke up, the sun was long gone... |
Spero segua anche il tanto celebrato tramonto dal capo... la prima volta che fui in Grecia in bici, nel lontano 1989, ricordo che feci una specie di cronometro da Vravrona al Sounion onde arrivare per tempo al fatidico evento - che quel giorno fu di uno scialbo unico!
Auf dem Niveau eines Fotokünstlers!
Gruss Walter
Interesting that you mentioned Lord Byron. I once worked frequently for a couple of month near Cambridge (Swynford Paddock, Six Mile Bottom) and twice I lodged in the house where Lady Augusta lived (Lord Byron's half sister). Long story short .... the hotel was full of stories of the two, especially also of Lord Byron (George Gordon Byron) - very romantic stuff (Britain's romantic era). VG.
@Walter: Danke. Ihr Kommentar hat mich sehr gefreut.
@Hans-Jürgen: Your comment is very interesting. I have not mentioned Byron by accident. Byron spent several months in 1810-11 in Athens, including two documented visits to Sounion. Byron mentions Sounion in his poem "Isles of Greece" and carved his name in one of the columns of the temple.
Herzlichst Christoph
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