The Cedrino plain is the corniche of the novel "Canne al vento" by Grazia Deledda, the writer born among the mountains of Sardegna who in 1928 won the Nobel Prize for literature. The book is all about the struggle between old and new, tradition and progress, island and mainland. Three unmarried sisters live in their ancient family house, with the old servant Efix (a very common and typical name in Sardegna). But their immutable life is upset when the fourth sister comes back from the Italian "continent" - where she once fled - with her teen-age son Giacinto...
The amount of places labeled in the panorama is negligible with respect to the amount of real places mentioned throughout the narration - one of those which let you "breathe" a place. In cases like this, when a landscape is so stricty bound to a book, it is difficult to establish which one comes first - I mean, if you consider the landspace as an explanation of the book, or if the converse is rather true.
Just for information, for me this time the book came first, since I read it in 1990 while is was for the first time in Sardegna (and in Orosei) in 2006.
In itself, this is one of the most ordinary places in Sardegna, although being the door to the most extraordinary one, namely, the desert and rocky coast between Orosei and Arbatax, and the Supramonte, which can be seen here in the background.
Sebastian Becher, Jörg Braukmann, Klaus Brückner, Hans-Jörg Bäuerle, Paul Chater, Friedemann Dittrich, Velten Feurich, Christian Hönig, Martin Kraus, Wilfried Malz, Danko Rihter, Werner Schelberger, Markus Ulmer, Augustin Werner
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