This is just to finalize the previous 2 panos from here. As said, I wasn't able to shoot an overview-pano at the date of the others, but this day the snow was still there, it was quite clear, and the clouds were breaking up a little, so for the record, here it is.
The dull feeling on location was somewhat appeased by certain areas being sunbathed, like Sejerø lighthouse and central Vejrhøj, but it doesn't really show on the pano:-(
There are other places with better overviews around here, but there you can't see all of Sejerø + Nekselø islands and Vejrhøj, as you can here.
The pano made from 14 pics, 50 mm, RAWs developped in DPP, ca. 7000K, iso-200, f/8, 1/200sek, stitched with PTgui pro, rescaled and sharpened in IrfanView.
Pedrotti Alberto, Hans-Jürgen Bayer, Jörg Braukmann, Hans-Jörg Bäuerle, Paul Chater, Gerhard Eidenberger, Martin Kraus, Geir Anders Langangen, Giuseppe Marzulli, Jörg Nitz, Danko Rihter, Christoph Seger
Great Pano and there aren't many photographers (but there are some) who show their panoramas in such a good quality and especially with a sharpness which never looks overly strong but always naturally crisp. Wonder why you have chosen 2/3 of sky and not the other way round. Hope you feel better soon. HJ
LG Jörg
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