Todi   35029
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1 Santa Maria della Consolazione
2 San Fortunato
3 Palazzo dei Priori


Location: Todi (410 m)      by: Giuseppe Marzulli
Area: Italy      Date: 17 August 2012
Todi is a town near Perugia (Umbria) in central Italy. It is perched on a tall two-crested hill overlooking the east bank of the river Tiber, commanding distant views in every direction.
In the 1990s, Richard S. Levine, a professor of architecture at the University of Kentucky, chose Todi as the model sustainable city, because of its scale and its ability to reinvent itself over time. After that, the Italian press reported on Todi as the world's most livable city.


Picture and text do not fit completely ("ability to reinvent itself over time" - I can not see this here), but I like both of them anyway.
2012/08/20 01:15 , Arne Rönsch
Bella composizione!
2012/08/20 10:04 , Beatrice Zanon
Klassisch schön!


2012/08/21 08:47 , Christian Hönig

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Giuseppe Marzulli

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