Tavan Bogd wide spaces   67959
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1 3602
2 Tsagaan Gol (White River valley)
3 3442
4 3745
5 3955
6 3884
7 Grane glacier
8 4004
9 Burged, 4068
10 3723
11 Huithen, 4374
12 Naran, 3884
13 Alexandroff
14 Nairamdal, 4117
15 Potanina
16 Malchin, 4028
17 Base camp
18 Pano N.10140
19 Path to base camp
20 Ridge MNG-RUS


Location: Point 3276 (3276 m)      by: Pedrotti Alberto
Area: Mongolia      Date: 21-08-2011
Commenting N.10140 I declared that I finally was showing an "ordinary" view of the Tavan Bogd and, indeed, it was somewhat more usual than the previous ones from the summits of Malchin and of Nairamdal. However, the standpoint was still somewhat outside the normal ways, lying on the steep slopes leading to the ridge at the border with Russia. Here is a truly ordinary view, with the Tavan Bogd captured as it first appears to the visitor coming from the Tsagaan Gol. The standpoint is very close to that of N.10301, the main difference being given by the weather conditions... Of course the attention is drawn by the huge stony beds witnessing the amount of volume reduction that the glaciers have undergone also in this remote corner of the planet. This is especially evident in the case of the largest individual, namely the Potanina.
The panorama comes from 14 vertical pictures, zoom 16-85 at 50 (x1.5) mm, 1/200 sec, f/20, ISO 100. For the 500 pixel version I have heavily shrunk the cut to the mountains, but the version that I like is the one loaded on Panoramio (www.panoramio.com/photo/73435443), giving due space to the fascinating dull sky that characterized a large part of the day. This situation, common in western Mongolia, greatly increases the feeling of being lost in forgotten spaces. And, during the same day, that sky was due to evolve to a rainy mood, before turning to the layout shown in N.9888.
Note: the standpoint can be found marked in N.10140, at 145°, and in N.9888, at 130°.


Fantastic! Super!
2012/06/12 13:32 , Klaus Brückner
without words
2012/06/12 18:20 , Sebastian Becher
Veramente magnifica.
2012/06/12 18:29 , Giuseppe Marzulli
really impressive landscape. also here the glaciers are disappearing. Best regards Alexander
2012/06/12 21:39 , Alexander Von Mackensen
Seems like an endless source of wonderful panos that you have brought back from this trip and that is now somewhere on your hard drive. Glaciers seem to be shrinking in this part of the world as well. Cheers, Martin
2012/06/13 20:15 , Martin Kraus
Marvelous. LG Robert
2012/07/06 09:43 , Robert Viehl

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Pedrotti Alberto

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