Monte Soratte   81575
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1 Monte Soratte, 691m


Location: Civita Castellana      by: Giuseppe Marzulli
Area: Italy      Date: 15 April 2017

Mount Soratte is a mountain in Lazio, 45 Km north of Rome.
It is not very high, only 691 meters, but it is an isolated mountain in the plain and its shape and its position, in the middle of the Tiber valley, have always stimulated curiosity.
Inside, during the fascist period, numerous galleries were excavated and during the Cold War this galleries were converted to host the Italian government's anti-atomic bunker.
Fortunately, in the Cold War they have never been used.


This is gorgeouse and more green than my riddle. Lets see ....
2018/03/08 21:23 , Christoph Seger
I did google I have to admit. I found out the mountain is the key to the picture. It has to be something special - I was sure about it, I know you ;-)

I believe we are in the middle of Italy, the mountain (Monte .....e) was already named by Roman writers ...

we look at it from west / north west
2018/03/08 21:41 , Christoph Seger
Funny, I even found the exact spot were you did stand. You can even google it and google has a pano from this spot. I do send you the name of the place ;-)
2018/03/08 21:49 , Christoph Seger
Do you know what was inside the mountain during the cold war?
2018/03/08 21:53 , Giuseppe Marzulli
Yes, I know. Mussolini started as the first one with the idea ....
2018/03/08 21:58 , Christoph Seger
for me more interestin in conection with the mountain the abbreviation SRES. This is even connected to a homepage ;-)
2018/03/08 22:06 , Christoph Seger
Ok. But during the Cold War, in the event of a nuclear attack on Italy, the Italian government would have to take refuge in the bunkers built under that mountain.
2018/03/08 22:08 , Giuseppe Marzulli
I agree and I know that
2018/03/08 23:01 , Christoph Seger

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Giuseppe Marzulli

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