Pianura friulana   52507
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1 Monte Cimone, 2422m; 75,8Km
2 Monte Chiampon, 1709m
3 Monte Lavara, 1906
4 Monte Joanaz, 1167m
5 Monte Canin, 2587m; 34,1Km
6 Monte Forato (Prestreljenik), 2499m
7 Monte Rombon, 2208m
8 Monte Matajur, 1641m
9 Monte Nero (Krn), 2244m
10 Monte Korada, 811m


Location: Cividale del Friuli (Spessa)      by: Giuseppe Marzulli
Area: Italy      Date: 7 March 2015
There are panos which are designed for a long time and carefully planned. There are other pano that come by chance. And these are not always the worst ;-)
I was along this road to go to Udine, and I stopped in this plowed field....
The pano shows a view of eastern Friuli plain, surrounded by the Julian Alps.


That would have been a difficult riddle, too! Regards Peter
2016/10/15 22:18 , Peter Brandt
Questa foto mi fa ringiovanire, perché penso all'ultimo dell'anno che passai più di vent'anni fa in una casa di campagna a Spessa.
Il mattino seguente messa a Prepotto, con i locali che inanellavano abbondanti giri di Schioppettino non solo dopo, ma anche già prima...
2016/10/15 23:41 , Pedrotti Alberto
I am also a lover of Schioppettino. In this area, slightly to the southeast, it is produced Schioppettino. The Schioppettino is an Italian wine not well known, but very good. For connoisseurs ;-)
2016/10/16 10:12 , Giuseppe Marzulli
It is difficult to decide which of those both clear Panoramas of almost the same place is the better one. But it doesn't matter - both are very beautiful and show the Alps from southern direction (which I don't really know) in great quality.
LG Jörg
2016/10/21 20:10 , Jörg Nitz
I love this mountains and area sooo much..

Have so much Panos in the queue but not enough time.. it´s a shame! Thanks Guiseppe for this Work!

Tanti saluti Seb
2016/10/24 18:24 , Sebastian Becher

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Giuseppe Marzulli

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