The Apulian olive trees   92566
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1 Torre Canne
2 Lido Morelli
3 Rosa Marina
4 Mare Adriatico
5 Costa Merlata
6 Ostuni
7 Santuario di Sant' Oronzo


Location: Ostuni      by: Giuseppe Marzulli
Area: Italy      Date: 9 August 2016
I hope not to bore you with my riddles.
This is not easy because there are no real reference points. But it is a typical coastal landscape of an Italian area.
To understand what is the area, it would be helpful to understand the specie of trees.


Green diamonds of Sicily ...
2016/09/01 23:04 , Christoph Seger
Hello Christoph and thanks for the reply. As in the previous case of Matera, it is a type of landscape that is quite similar to some areas of Sicily, but is not in Sicily.
But I think you have guessed the specie of the trees....
2016/09/01 23:19 , Giuseppe Marzulli
it looks similar to the landscape around the Golfo di Manfredonia.
2016/09/01 23:48 , Mentor Depret
Hello Mentor. Yes, it is true, but it is not there, nor in the Gargano area, though ...
2016/09/02 00:04 , Giuseppe Marzulli
South of Italy? 
Are these olive trees?
The sun is in your back, in front of you the sea.
Are you in Calabria facing North West?
2016/09/02 10:14 , Gerhard Schulder
Yes, it is in Southern Italy. And those in the plain are all olive trees. But it is not in Calabria.
2016/09/02 10:40 , Giuseppe Marzulli
I have set two labels (with incomplete text to preserve the Google Earth fun for the others) and hope I have found the right place.
Cheers, Martin
2016/09/02 11:36 , Martin Kraus
Ok Martin. It is all right. Bravo.
2016/09/02 12:01 , Giuseppe Marzulli
Stamattina volevo rispondere con una foto da Ostuni.
Ma poi era troppo in controluce e il paesaggio non si riconosceva.
2016/09/03 00:54 , Pedrotti Alberto

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Giuseppe Marzulli

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