Paris vu du Parc de Belleville   52527
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1 Saint-Ambroise
2 Hotel Marriott
3 Tour de Jussieu (Tour Zamansky)
4 Observatoire de Paris
5 Val-de-Grâce
6 Saint-Paul Saint-Louis
7 Tour Clovis
8 Saint-Étienne-du-Mont
9 Panthéon
10 Sorbonne
11 Saint-Gervais-Saint-Protais
12 Hôtel Le Méridien Montparnasse
13 Notre-Dame
14 Tour Montparnasse
15 Hôtel de Ville
16 Palais de Justice
17 Saint-Sulpice (tour sud)
18 Sainte-Chapelle
19 Saint-Sulpice (tour nord)
20 Tour hertzienne de Meudon
21 Tour Saint-Jacques
22 Beaubourg (Centre Georges-Pompidou)
23 Beffroi Mairie 1er Arrd
24 Louvre Cour Carrée
25 Dôme des Invalides
26 Beaugrenelle
27 Cheminée du Front-de-Seine (Cheminée de Grenelle)
28 Saint-Joseph-des-Nations
29 Saint-Eustache
30 Ste Clotilde
31 Tour Eiffel


Location: Parc de Belleville      by: Giuseppe Marzulli
Area: France      Date: 1 July 2016
The Parc de Belleville is not one of the most famous parks of Paris, but from its terrace you can have an unusual and interesting view of Paris.
9 photos; 200 mm (full format); f8; 1/1600 sec.; 200 ISO.


Nice shot(s)!!
2016/07/08 20:15 , Danko Rihter
Schöner Schlusspunkt mit dem Eiffelturm.
2016/07/09 08:59 , Peter Brandt
Great angle and nicely framed. Were you there for the football or did you visit despite the event? Cheers, Martin
2016/07/09 17:48 , Martin Kraus
Hello Martin. When I was in Paris, it was played Italy-Germany..., but in Bordeaux ;-)
Fortunately, the only game that was played in Paris, in the period in which I was, was France-Iceland.
When I booked the flight to Paris, I had forgotten that the European Championship would be held in France ;-)

Talking about the pano, probably are not understood the long distances. For example, the Eiffel Tower is about 7 km away....
2016/07/09 18:15 , Giuseppe Marzulli
Your panoramas of Paris are always an eyecatcher ... by day or night!!!

Tanti saluti, Hans-Jörg
2016/07/17 07:28 , Hans-Jörg Bäuerle

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Giuseppe Marzulli

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