Under Chelm   02360
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1 Chelm - 777 m
2 Jaworze - 846 m
3 Rosochatka - 753 m


Aufnahmestandort: Grybow (500 m)      Fotografiert von: Konrad Sus
Gebiet: Poland      Datum: 19.05.2016
Chelm is seperate hill in Beskid Niski. As most of these mountains, covered by beech forest. Under this hill built nice small chapel in year 1936. This area was the place of patizans (guerillas) activity during II World War. Sometimes they were participants of holy mass - that is why German called it "Bandite Kirchen". Right to this church is memorial dedicated to people from "Grybow Land" who were murdered in last war.


Konrad Sus


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