Agio Pneuma   73149
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1 Spathi, 2048
3 Chania airport
4 Gulf of Souda
5 Timios Stavros, 2456, 66 km
6 Kedros, 1777
7 Kastro, 2218
8 Askyfiotikos Soros, 2213
9 Kakovoli, 2214
10 Grias Soros, 2331
11 Troharis, 2401
12 Mesa Soros, 2345
13 Svourikhti, 2356
14 Volakias, 2117
15 Melindaou, 2133
16 Gramvoussa
17 Rodopos
18 Ornio, 2151


Aufnahmestandort: Agio Pneuma (2254 m)      Fotografiert von: Pedrotti Alberto
Gebiet: Greece      Datum: 20-07-2015
Agio Pneuma, Holy Spirit, northernmost big summit of the Lefka Ori.
Far away, there is in sight another mountain with a chapel on the top, namely Timios Stavros, Holy Cross, highest summit of Crete.

GPS track:


Un'altra eloquente conferma del mainstream!! 
Ciao, Alvise
13.11.2015 11:56 , Alvise Bonaldo
Erano giorni particolari, quelli, per la Grecia.
Inutile dire come in quell'alba, sopra quella bandiera martoriata dal vento gelido (notare la tenda a tunnel, montata nientemeno che dentro la cappella, in luogo della consueta notte col sacco a pelo liberamente steso sotto le stelle), avessi messo anche - e non da ultimo - una certa carica simbolica...
Saluti, Alberto.
13.11.2015 13:28 , Pedrotti Alberto
A lovely and lonely place to spend the night ...

Cheers, Hans-Jörg
13.11.2015 15:48 , Hans-Jörg Bäuerle
Nice place to camp :)
Pretty windy up there?
13.11.2015 23:08 , Johannes Ha
Wonderful continuation of your Lefka Ori series. I have often seen these summit shelter walls in windy Scotland - it seems that the people who have took the effort to build them share your passion of staying on the summit. Cheers, Martin
15.11.2015 15:26 , Martin Kraus
Great pano!
15.11.2015 22:03 , Giuseppe Marzulli
Yes, it was quite windy, as clearly witnessed by the close flags. At home, I need to check the exposure time, but I believe that it was 1/40.
The wind was rather cold, as witnessed by the fact that I slept inside the tunnel tent, which typically I avoid to mount.
The building is not an ordinary summit shelter, but the remains of a chapel, of course dedicated to Agio Pneuma. Consider that the chapel on Timios Stavros is in a far better state!
Should one day on this platform return a reasonable interest for foreign subjects of this kind (consider that this picture was able to reach approx. 150 views without a syllable of reaction - results that only petrol stations in Central Asia are otherwise able to achieve!), I would tell a a very nice story about the Timios Stavros summit chapel. A story related to the most outstanding Cretan writer, Nikos Kazantzakis, and also witnessing that I am not the only one using these sacred buildings in an unorthodox way!
Cheers, Alberto.
16.11.2015 10:12 , Pedrotti Alberto

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Pedrotti Alberto

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