Il Castello di Duino   42672
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1 Punta Sdobba (Foce dell' Isonzo)
2 Grado Pineta
3 Grado
4 Santuario di Barbana
5 Aquileia


Location: Duino      by: Giuseppe Marzulli
Area: Italy      Date: 8 December 2014
Duino Castle (Castello di Duino) is a fourteenth-century fortification located in Duino, near Trieste, on the cliffs overlooking the Gulf of Trieste.
In 1912, Rainer Maria Rilke began to write portions of his famous work, Duino Elegies, while visiting Duino Castle.


"Who, if I cried out" (over the cliffs), "would hear me among the hierarchies of angels?" Very mystical words by Rilke and a strong contrast to the beauty and clarity of your panorama.
Kind regards, Matthias.
2014/12/20 01:03 , Matthias Stoffels
**** to Giuseppe and ***** to Matthias ;-) - great impression and comment!!

Tanti saluti, Hans-Jörg
2014/12/20 01:50 , Hans-Jörg Bäuerle
2014/12/21 06:38 , Christoph Seger
Schönheit mit sparsamen Mitteln! Sehr gelungen. Herzliche Grüße Velten
2014/12/22 05:03 , Velten Feurich

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Giuseppe Marzulli

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